外科手术通常依赖于肉眼观察或内窥镜辅助,这可能会给涉及复杂解剖关系的病例带来挑战。能够实现术中目标器官可视化的实时成像技术有可能通过促进重要组织或器官的准确识别、分离和保护来提高外科手术的精度。尽管有这些优点,但设备成本过高等因素阻碍了此类技术的广泛采用。本研究旨在优化和开发一种基于吲哚菁绿(ICG)的荧光成像装置。目的是监测膀胱中 ICG 平均荧光强度的变化,为涉及膀胱的手术提供有价值的指导。 1.雄性家兔经肾盂和耳静脉注射0.01 mg/ml ICG,获得输尿管、膀胱和小肠的荧光图像。 2.结扎雄性兔双侧输尿管后,逆行膀胱灌注5ml 0.01mg/ml ICG,捕捉膀胱随时间变化的荧光图像。使用Image Pro Plus 6.0计算平均荧光强度,并使用Prism 8.0生成相应的曲线。使用类似的方法,测量没有输尿管结扎的雄性兔子的平均荧光强度,并随时间作图。 1. 开发的设备有助于输尿管、膀胱和小肠的成像。 2.膀胱的平均荧光强度随着尿液产生和输尿管结扎而表现出随时间的变化,与没有输尿管结扎的观察结果形成对比。 我们成功构建并优化了器官和组织的模块化荧光成像系统。该系统在涉及动物中空器官的成像实验中被证明是有效的,并为相关外科手术提供了宝贵的见解。
Construction of a near infrared fluorescence system for imaging of biological tissues
Surgical procedures often rely on unaided visual observation or endoscopic assistance, which may pose challenges in cases involving intricate anatomical relationships. Real-time imaging technologies capable of intraoperative visualization of target organs have the potential to enhance the precision of surgical procedures by facilitating accurate identification, separation, and protection of vital tissues or organs. Despite these advantages, the widespread adoption of such technologies has been hindered by factors such as the prohibitive cost of equipment. This study aims to optimize and develop a device based on Indocyanine Green (ICG) for fluorescence imaging. The objective is to monitor changes in the average fluorescence intensity of ICG in the bladder, offering valuable guidance for surgeries involving the bladder. 1. Male rabbits were administered 0.01 mg/ml ICG via the renal pelvis and ear vein to obtain fluorescence images of the ureter, bladder, and small intestine. 2. After ligating the bilateral ureters of male rabbits, a retrograde bladder perfusion of 5 ml 0.01 mg/ml ICG was conducted to capture fluorescence images of the bladder over time. The average fluorescence intensity was computed using Image Pro Plus 6.0, and the corresponding curve was generated using Prism 8.0. Using a similar methodology, the average fluorescence intensity of male rabbits without ureteral ligation was measured and plotted over time. 1. The developed device facilitated imaging of the ureter, bladder, and small intestine. 2. The bladder's average fluorescence intensity exhibited changes over time in response to urine production and ureteral ligation, contrasting with observations without ureteral ligation. We have successfully constructed and optimized a modular fluorescence imaging system for organs and tissues. This system proves effective in imaging experiments involving hollow organs in animals and offers valuable insights for relevant surgical procedures.