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Combustion Synthesis and Characterization of Ultra-High-Temperature NbB2–HfB2 Solid Solutions
International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.3103/s1061386223040143
V. V. Kurbatkina , E. I. Patsera , T. A. Sviridova , N. A. Kochetov , E. A. Levashov


This paper presents an in-depth study on the combustion synthesis, solid-solution formation, processing, and characterization of NbB2–HfB2 ceramics, aiming to explore their potential applications, particularly in industries requiring high-performance materials. We conducted macrokinetic measurements and fitted regression models to predict combustion temperature and velocity for compositions ranging from 50 to 100% HfB2. A combined method of ball milling and hot pressing was developed for processing the combustion products into dense ceramics. These methods resulted in samples with relative densities reaching 97%, hardness of up to 34 GPa, and Young’s modulus of up to 530 GPa, with NbB2–50% HfB2 solid solution exhibiting the best mechanical properties. The study revealed a linear increase in thermal properties and density with the rise in HfB2 content. The thermal conductivity of the solid solutions in the Nb–Hf–B system ranged from 34 to 40 W/mK and was found to increase with temperature, making these ceramics suitable for ultra-high-temperature applications. The findings have significant implications for aerospace and high-performance engineering sectors and provide a solid foundation for further investigation of Nb–Hf–B ceramics under real-world operational conditions.


超高温 NbB2–HfB2 固溶体的燃烧合成与表征


本文对NbB 2 –HfB 2陶瓷的燃烧合成、固溶体形成、加工和表征进行了深入研究,旨在探索其潜在应用,特别是在需要高性能材料的行业中。我们进行了宏观动力学测量并拟合了回归模型来预测 50% 至 100% HfB 2成分的燃烧温度和速度。开发了球磨和热压的组合方法,将燃烧产物加工成致密陶瓷。这些方法得到的样品相对密度达到97%,硬度高达34 GPa,杨氏模量高达530 GPa,其中NbB 2 –50% HfB 2固溶体表现出最佳的力学性能。研究表明,随着 HfB 2含量的增加,热性能和密度呈线性增加。 Nb-Hf-B 系统中固溶体的热导率范围为 34 至 40 W/mK,并且随着温度的升高而增加,使得这些陶瓷适合超高温应用。这些发现对航空航天和高性能工程领域具有重大影响,并为在实际操作条件下进一步研究 Nb-Hf-B 陶瓷提供了坚实的基础。
