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Teleworking antecedents: an exploration into availability bias as an impediment
Information Systems and E-Business Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10257-023-00652-0
Marie-E. Godefroid , Vincent Borghoff , Ralf Plattfaut , Björn Niehaves

Telework technologies have been known since the 1970s, yet their adoption levels remained low until Covid-19-related lockdowns and curfews. The known rational and non-rational technology acceptance theory and biases cannot fully explain this effect. One of the possible answers to fill this gap could be availability bias which has probably also affected the lag in adopting other technologies. To examine this phenomenon, we conducted a qualitative study with 22 interviews with individuals from different organizational backgrounds and telework adoption levels. Following a combination of inductive and deductive coding, we identified three key aspects of availability bias: intention, cognitive visibility, and cognitive transfer. The findings also allowed us to delineate this bias further from other biases, e.g., the status quo bias, and classical technology acceptance models, e.g., UTAUT. Thereby, this study examines a bias so far only very limitedly researched in the information systems and extends technology acceptance and cognitive bias literature. The findings should also enable practitioners to question their way of working and technology use more thoroughly.



远程办公技术自 20 世纪 70 年代以来就为人所知,但在 Covid-19 相关的封锁和宵禁之前,其采用率仍然很低。已知的理性和非理性技术接受理论和偏见无法完全解释这种效应。填补这一空白的可能答案之一可能是可用性偏差,这可能也影响了采用其他技术的滞后性。为了研究这一现象,我们进行了一项定性研究,对来自不同组织背景和远程办公采用水平的个人进行了 22 次访谈。结合归纳和演绎编码,我们确定了可用性偏差的三个关键方面:意图、认知可见性和认知迁移。研究结果还使我们能够进一步将这种偏见与其他偏见(例如现状偏见)和经典技术接受模型(例如 UTAUT)区分开来。因此,本研究探讨了迄今为止在信息系统中研究非常有限的偏见,并扩展了技术接受和认知偏见文献。研究结果还应该使从业者能够更彻底地质疑他们的工作方式和技术使用。
