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Rights of Nature on the Island of Ireland: Origins, Drivers, and Implications for Future Rights of Nature Movements
Transnational Environmental Law ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s2047102523000201
Rachel Killean , Jérémie Gilbert , Peter Doran

Over the course of 2021, several local councils across the island of Ireland introduced motions recognizing the ‘Rights of Nature’. To date, little research has been conducted into these nascent Rights of Nature movements, even though they raise important questions about the philosophical, cultural, political, and legal drivers in pursuing such rights. Similarly, much remains unclear as to the implications of such initiatives, both in their domestic context and for Rights of Nature movements around the world. This article contributes to addressing this gap by exploring these themes through an analysis of interviews with key stakeholders conducted across the island of Ireland in June 2022. In particular, it explores the impact of international movements, colonial legacies, cultural heritage, and years of inadequate environmental governance, in motivating local councils to pursue a Rights of Nature strategy.



2021 年,爱尔兰岛多个地方议会提出了承认“自然权利”的动议。迄今为止,对这些新生的自然权利运动的研究还很少,尽管它们提出了关于追求这些权利的哲学、文化、政治和法律驱动因素的重要问题。同样,这些举措的影响,无论是在国内还是在世界各地的自然权利运动中,仍不清楚。本文通过分析 2022 年 6 月在爱尔兰岛各地对主要利益相关者进行的访谈,探索这些主题,有助于解决这一差距。特别是,它探讨了国际运动、殖民遗产、文化遗产以及多年来的不充分的影响。环境治理,激励地方议会推行自然权利战略。
