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Fabrication of visible-light-responsive ZnIn2S4 nanosheets wrapped onto MIL-125(Ti) hybrid structure with improved photocatalytic H2-evolution performance
Journal of Materials Science ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10853-023-09284-8
Tianyu Liu , Baojia Wang , Min Wang , Jiayu Gu , Wei Wang , Hailin Shen , Jintao Zhang

In this study, an efficient visible light responsive MIL-125(Ti)/ZnIn2S4 hybrid structure (MIL-1.2/ZIS) was synthesized through two-step method with improved photocatalytic H2-evolution performance. The MIL-1.2/ZIS nanocomposites could retained the characteristic features including the highly surface area of metal organic frameworks and the hierarchical sheet-like structure of ZnIn2S4. The optimal sample could exhibit the H2 generation rate of 873.4 μmol g−1·h−1, and the improved photocatalytic activity could be ascribed to the well-matched band structure and the formation of hybrid interfaces, which could lead to the effective charge transfer and separation of photo-excited electron–hole pairs. We hope this paper could broad the potential utilization of MOF-based nanocomposites in photocatalytic energy conversion fields.

Graphical abstract


包裹在 MIL-125(Ti) 混合结构上的可见光响应 ZnIn2S4 纳米片的制备,具有改进的光催化析氢性能

在本研究中,通过两步法合成了一种高效可见光响应的MIL-125(Ti)/ZnIn 2 S 4杂化结构(MIL-1.2/ZIS),其具有改进的光催化H 2析氢性能。MIL-1.2/ZIS纳米复合材料保留了金属有机骨架的高表面积和ZnIn 2 S 4的分层片状结构等特征。最佳样品的H 2生成率为873.4 μmol g -1 ·h -1,光催化活性的提高可归因于良好匹配的能带结构和杂化界面的形成,从而产生有效电荷。光激发电子空穴对的转移和分离。我们希望本文能够扩大 MOF 基纳米复合材料在光催化能量转换领域的潜在应用。

