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The nested relationality of perceived legitimacy: Mapping taste hierarchies with granular digital traces
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101864
Massimo Airoldi

The article has a double purpose. On the one hand, it contributes to theories of cultural legitimacy and classification. Based on data about consumers’ music evaluations, it shows that taste hierarchies are configured as nested and relational classificatory systems. Nested, because rank systems of symbolic value are collectively recognized, reproduced, and negotiated by consumers not only at the level of genres, but also at lower, nested levels – e.g., sub-genre, artist, single artwork; relational, because the value attributed to music by consumers is ordinarily assessed and constructed through analogies and comparisons, and partly depends on the classifier's relative position in the social space. On the other hand, this paper makes a key methodological contribution: by analyzing large amounts of YouTube data through computational methods and in combination with survey data, it illustrates how the granularity of digital traces can advance sociological research on cultural categories, meaning structures and symbolic imaginaries.



这篇文章有双重目的。一方面,它有助于文化合法性和分类理论。基于有关消费者音乐评价的数据,它表明品味层次结构被配置为嵌套的关系分类系统。嵌套,因为象征价值的等级系统不仅在流派层面上,而且在较低的嵌套层面上都被消费者集体认可、复制和协商——例如,子流派、艺术家、单一艺术品;关系性的,因为消费者赋予音乐的价值通常是通过类比和比较来评估和构建的,并且部分取决于分类器在社会空间中的相对位置。另一方面,本文做出了关键的方法论贡献:通过计算方法分析大量 YouTube 数据并结合调查数据,说明了数字痕迹的粒度如何推进文化类别、意义结构和符号的社会学研究。想象。