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Discomfort or pain: what’s in a name?
Gut ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-331775 Mark Edward McAlindon 1
Gut ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-331775 Mark Edward McAlindon 1
Some years ago a symposium about non-invasive diagnostics attended by engineers and gastroenterologists was opened by the chairman with the following comment about his experience of colonoscopy: ‘you doctors call it discomfort, we patients call it pain’. As recognised by the Newcastle Endoprem, there are other elements which contribute to the apparent dichotomous views of patients, who regard colonoscopy with considerable anxiety, and gastroenterologists, who feel that most …
几年前,在一次由工程师和胃肠病学家参加的非侵入性诊断研讨会开幕式上,主席对他的结肠镜检查经历发表了以下评论:“你们医生称之为不适,我们患者称之为疼痛”。正如纽卡斯尔 Endoprem 所认识到的那样,还有其他因素导致了患者和胃肠病学家之间明显的二分法观点,患者对结肠镜检查抱有相当大的焦虑,而胃肠病学家则认为大多数……
几年前,在一次由工程师和胃肠病学家参加的非侵入性诊断研讨会开幕式上,主席对他的结肠镜检查经历发表了以下评论:“你们医生称之为不适,我们患者称之为疼痛”。正如纽卡斯尔 Endoprem 所认识到的那样,还有其他因素导致了患者和胃肠病学家之间明显的二分法观点,患者对结肠镜检查抱有相当大的焦虑,而胃肠病学家则认为大多数……