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Towards Blockchain Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) Design
Information Systems Frontiers ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10796-023-10455-w
Kumar Saurabh , Parijat Upadhyay , Neelam Rani

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) can be envisioned as an organization or society where its design, processes, and operational tasks are coded in the form of agreements or smart contracts, adhering to guidelines, values, and collective consensus. This paper underpins how organization design constructs (structure, strategy) and organization innovation constructs (innovation complexity, novel delivery) are related and sequenced to DAO transformation excellence (organizational excellence, organizational user expectation). An online survey of 262 blockchain DAO practitioners and researchers was conducted using SmartPLS to demonstrate empirical research findings (probably the first empirical research paper) on the implementation of blockchain DAO in organization design. The study focuses on understanding the role of blockchain DAO in organization design and innovation and how the users can leverage the technology, its substitutes, implementation readiness, and its impacts on organizations. Findings from the paper will help managers develop platforms and tools for various situations related to DAO-led organization design.



去中心化自治组织(DAO)可以被设想为一个组织或社会,其设计、流程和操作任务以协议或智能合约的形式进行编码,遵守指导方针、价值观和集体共识。本文支持组织设计构造(结构、战略)和组织创新构造(创新复杂性、新颖的交付)如何与 DAO 卓越转型(组织卓越、组织用户期望)相关并排序。使用 SmartPLS 对 262 名区块链 DAO 从业者和研究人员进行了在线调查,以展示关于在组织设计中实施区块链 DAO 的实证研究结果(可能是第一篇实证研究论文)。该研究的重点是了解区块链 DAO 在组织设计和创新中的作用,以及用户如何利用该技术、其替代品、实施准备情况及其对组织的影响。该论文的研究结果将帮助管理者为与 DAO 主导的组织设计相关的各种情况开发平台和工具。
