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Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel by Hydrocracking of n-Heptadecane Using Pt-Supported Y-Zeolite-Al2O3 Composite Catalysts
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c07678
Shunma Mitsuoka 1 , Kosuke Murata 1 , Tadanori Hashimoto 1 , Ning Chen 2 , Yuki Jonoo 2 , Sho Kawabe 2 , Keita Nakao 2 , Atsushi Ishihara 1

Hydrocracking of fat or Fischer–Tropsch (FT) wax from biomass to produce the jet fuel of sustainable aviation fuel has been one of the key reactions. n-Heptadecane, which is one of the model diesel fractions produced from fat or FT wax, has hardly been used for hydrocracking of hydrocarbon for jet fuel production, while n-hexadecane has often been used as one of the model compounds for this reaction. In the present study, a HY-zeolite (50 wt %, SiO2/Al2O3 = 100)-Al2O3 (50 wt %) composite-supported Pt (0.5 wt %) catalyst [0.5Pt/Y(100)35A] was tested for hydrocracking of n-heptadecane using a fixed-bed flow reactor at a H2 pressure of 0.5 MPa, H2 flow rate of 300 mL/min, WHSV of 2.3 h–1, and a catalyst weight of 2 g. Fine-tuning of the temperature to 295 °C achieved the highest selectivity of 74% for the jet fuel fraction C8–C15 with the high conversion of 99%. The jet fuel yield reached 73%, which was almost an ideal maximum yield of 75%. Similar hydrocracking of n-hexadecane has just reported the maximum yield of 51% for jet fuel fraction. Further, 0.5Pt/Z(110)35A, which has a composition similar to that of 0.5Pt/Y(100)35A except for the type of zeolite, could not give as high yield of jet fuel as 0.5Pt/Y(100)35A because the rapid conversion to lighter fractions than the jet fuel occurred by the slight increase in the reaction temperature even at a lower temperature range.


使用 Pt 负载 Y 沸石-Al2O3 复合催化剂加氢裂化正十七烷生产可持续航空燃料

从生物质中加氢裂化脂肪或费托(FT)蜡来生产可持续航空燃料的喷气燃料一直是关键反应之一。正十七烷是由脂肪或 FT 蜡生产的模型柴油馏分之一,几乎没有用于生产喷气燃料的碳氢化合物加氢裂化,而十六烷经常被用作该反应的模型化合物之一。在本研究中,HY-沸石(50 wt%,SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3 = 100)-Al 2 O 3 (50 wt%)复合负载Pt(0.5 wt%)催化剂[0.5Pt/Y( 100)35A]采用固定床流动反应器,在H 2压力0.5 MPa、H 2流量300 mL/min、WHSV 2.3 h –1 、催化剂重量2克。将温度微调至 295 °C,航空燃油馏分 C8-C15 的选择性最高可达 74%,转化率高达 99%。喷气燃料收率达到73%,这几乎是75%的理想最高收率。类似的正十六烷加氢裂化刚刚报道了喷气燃料馏分的最大产率为 51%。此外,0.5Pt/Z(110)35A的组成与0.5Pt/Y(100)35A相似,只是沸石的类型不同,因此不能提供与0.5Pt/Y(100)一样高的喷气燃料产率。 )35A,因为即使在较低的温度范围内,反应温度的轻微升高也会快速转化为比喷气燃料更轻的馏分。