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Skew trapezoidal bipyramidal distortion in MoS6 unit stabilizing distorted phases of 1T-MoS2 single layer
Applied Surface Science ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.159303
Muthu P. Austeria , P. Vinoth Babu , Thomas Heine , S. Sampath , Do Hwan Kim

The exceptional electrocatalytic performance of the 1T phase of MoS2 in the hydrogen evolution reaction has motivated researchers to design methods for enhancing the stability of this phase. Herein, the electronic origin of the stability of 1T-MoS2 and its distorted phases: 1T' (zig-zag), 1T′′ (diamond chain), and 1T′′′ (triangle) was elucidated using first-principles calculations. The phase stability can be altered by the repeating MoS6 units that play a significant role in the generation of metal clusters. A novel skew trapezoidal bipyriamidal (STB) distortion was observed in the MoS6 unit, which increased the stability of the distorted 1T phases in MoS2. The highly distorted STB unit was found in the stable 1T' phase with an enhanced dyz orbital population. The short edges of the distorted STB increase the electron density fraction of the Mo atoms, promoting Mo-Mo bond formation. The 1T' phase exhibited superior stability due to stronger electron delocalization in the Mo-Mo bond compared to that in the 1T′′ and 1T′′′ phases. The nature of Mo-Mo bonding varied on different metal clusters for 1T' (σ, π, and δ), 1T′′ (π and σ), and 1T′′′ (σ) bond types. Therefore, the stability of the 1T'-MoS2 phase depends on the extent of distortion in the MoS6 unit, Mo-Mo bond nature, and layer thickness.


MoS6 单元中的斜梯形双锥畸变稳定了 1T-MoS2 单层的畸变相

MoS2 的 1T 相在析氢反应中出色的电催化性能促使研究人员设计增强该相稳定性的方法。在此,使用第一性原理计算阐明了 1T-MoS2 稳定性的电子起源及其扭曲相:1T'(锯齿形)、1T′′(菱形链)和 1T′′(三角形)。相稳定性可以通过重复的 MoS6 单元来改变,这些单元在金属团簇的产生中起着重要作用。在 MoS6 单元中观察到一种新的偏斜梯形联吡胺 (STB) 畸变,这增加了 MoS2 中畸变 1T 相的稳定性。高度扭曲的 STB 单元位于稳定的 1T' 相中,具有增强的 dyz 轨道群。扭曲的 STB 的短边增加了 Mo 原子的电子密度分数,促进了 Mo-Mo 键的形成。与 1T′′ 和 1T′ 相相比,Mo-Mo 键中的电子离域性更强,因此 1T' 相表现出优异的稳定性。Mo-Mo 键合的性质在 1T' (σ、π 和 δ)、1T′′ (π 和 σ) 和 1T′′′ (σ) 键类型的不同金属簇上有所不同。因此,1T'-MoS2 相的稳定性取决于 MoS6 单元的变形程度、Mo-Mo 键的性质和层厚。