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Parametric Optimization and Characterization of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Joints Subjected to Friction Stir Processing
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11665-023-09111-w
Md Saquib Bin Reyaz , Amar Nath Sinha

The current study explored the combined influence of tool rotation speed (TRS), traverse speed (TS), and tool tilt angle (TA) on the response variables, namely ultimate tensile strength (UTS), impact toughness (IT), microhardness (MH), and residual stress (RS). A TIG + FSP welding technique was utilized to fabricate the distinct aluminum alloys AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 butt welds as per the face-cantered central composite design. The response surface methodology-based desirability function technique was employed to obtain optimum conditions. A validation test was also performed at optimum conditions, and it was observed that the predicted and measured values were in good agreement. Analysis of variance results displayed that the TRS exerts the greatest influence on the response variables, while the TS and TA exert relatively less influence. Increased TRS values improved joint UTS, IT, and MH while decreasing weld RS magnitude. The TIG + FSP welded joint exhibited an optimized UTS of 277.62 MPa, an IT of 15.82 J, an MH of 124.52 HV, and an RS of 26.89 MPa at a TRS of 1400 rpm, a TS of 50.64 mm/min, and a TA of 1.77 degrees. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) demonstrated that the FZ of TIG joints featured coarse dendritic grain structures, whereas the SZ of TIG + FSP joints possessed ultrafine equiaxed morphology. Pole figures (PFs) exhibited that the fusion region of the TIG joint had notable recrystallization \({\text{A}}_{1}^{*}\)/\({\text{A}}_{2}^{*}\) and A/\(\stackrel{\mathrm{-}}{\text{A}}\) textures, while the stir region of the TIG + FSP joint had significant shear deformation B/\(\overline{\text{B}}\) and C textures.


搅拌摩擦加工 AA6061-T6 和 AA7075-T6 钨极惰性气体保护焊接头的参数优化和表征

当前的研究探讨了刀具旋转速度(TRS)、移动速度(TS)和刀具倾斜角度(TA)对响应变量的综合影响,即极限拉伸强度(UTS)、冲击韧性(IT)、显微硬度(MH) )和残余应力(RS)。根据面中心复合材料设计,采用 TIG + FSP 焊接技术来制造不同的铝合金 AA6061-T6 和 AA7075-T6 对接焊缝。采用基于响应面方法的期望函数技术来获得最佳条件。还在最佳条件下进行了验证测试,观察到预测值和测量值非常一致。方差分析结果表明,TRS对响应变量的影响最大,而TS和TA的影响相对较小。增加 TRS 值可改善接头 UTS、IT 和 MH,同时降低焊缝 RS 幅度。TIG + FSP 焊接接头在 TRS 为 1400 rpm、TS 为 50.64 mm/min 和 TA 时表现出优化的 UTS 为 277.62 MPa、IT 为 15.82 J、MH 为 124.52 HV、RS 为 26.89 MPa。 1.77度。电子背散射衍射(EBSD)表明,TIG 接头的 FZ 具有粗大的枝晶晶结构,而 TIG + FSP 接头的 SZ 具有超细等轴形貌。极图(PF)显示 TIG 接头的熔合区域有明显的再结晶\({\text{A}}_{1}^{*}\) / \({\text{A}}_{2} ^{*}\)和 A/ \(\stackrel{\mathrm{-}}{\text{A}}\)纹理,而 TIG + FSP 接头的搅拌区域具有显着的剪切变形 B/ \(\上划线{\text{B}}\)和 C 纹理。
