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Examining user satisfaction and vehicle development for Mini EVs and Non-mini EVs
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2023.103952
Danting Zhao , Hong Chen , Wenjian Jia

Mini electric vehicles (EVs) have gained popularity due to their subcompact size and affordable price. However, no studies focus on their user satisfaction and how it differs from Non-mini EVs. This study fills this gap to examine the determinants of user satisfaction and vehicle development based on a sample of 707 EV adopters. The results of the proposed structural equation models suggest that performance satisfaction significantly influences overall satisfaction. Results also highlight the distinct factors that contribute to overall satisfaction between Mini and Non-mini EVs. For Mini EVs, ease of driving plays a crucial role in overall satisfaction, whereas charging satisfaction is key for Non-mini EVs. Additionally, the development of Mini EVs is driven by lifestyle change and cost satisfaction, while the development of Non-Mini EVs is also influenced by repurchase intention. Furthermore, the status symbol impacts lifestyle for Non-mini EV users, but this is not the case for Mini EV users. These findings provide valuable insights for EV technology development, marketing strategies, and policy-making.



微型电动汽车(EV)因其超紧凑的尺寸和实惠的价格而广受欢迎。然而,没有研究关注它们的用户满意度以及它与非迷你电动汽车的区别。本研究填补了这一空白,以 707 电动汽车采用者为样本,研究用户满意度和车辆开发的决定因素。所提出的结构方程模型的结果表明,绩效满意度显着影响整体满意度。结果还强调了影响迷你电动汽车和非迷你电动汽车总体满意度的不同因素。对于迷你电动汽车来说,驾驶的便利性在整体满意度中起着至关重要的作用,而充电满意度对于非迷你电动汽车来说至关重要。此外,微型电动汽车的发展受到生活方式改变和成本满足的驱动,而非微型电动汽车的发展也受到回购意愿的影响。此外,地位符号会影响非迷你电动汽车用户的生活方式,但迷你电动汽车用户的情况并非如此。这些发现为电动汽车技术开发、营销策略和政策制定提供了宝贵的见解。
