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Thermal and electrical properties of photovoltaic cell with linear phenomenological heat transfer law
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 , DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2023-0056
Jun Li 1, 2 , Lingen Chen 3, 4, 5

The thermal and electrical properties of photovoltaic cell (PVC) under linear phenomenological heat transfer law between it and the environment is studied through finite time thermodynamics and the volt-ampere characteristic equation. The properties of PVC are affected by heat transfer between PVC and environment. There are optimal solar radiation intensity and PVC output voltage (OV), which make the photoelectric conversion efficiency (PECE) of PVC reach the highest value. When OV and solar radiation intensity are 28.50 V and 700 W/m2, the maximum PECE is 0.156. There is also the best solar radiation intensity, which makes the open-circuit voltage (OCV) reach the maximum. When solar radiant intensity is 669 W/m2, the maximum OCV is 33.14 V. The values of power output and short-circuit current (SCC) are monotonically increasing with solar radiation intensity. Given solar radiation intensity, the power output and OV exhibit a parabolic shape. The operating temperature falls first and then grows with the OV. However, the change of operating temperature with OV is not much. Band gap is a decreasing function of operating temperature. This article can give theoretical support for the design and use of PVCs.



通过有限时间热力学和伏安特征方程,研究了光伏电池(PVC)在与环境之间的线性唯象传热规律下的热电性能。PVC的性能受PVC与环境之间的热传递影响。有最佳的太阳辐射强度和PVC输出电压(OV),使PVC的光电转换效率(PECE)达到最高值。当OV和太阳辐射强度为28.50 V和700 W/m时2,最大 PECE 为 0.156。还有最好的太阳辐射强度,使开路电压(OCV)达到最大。当太阳辐射强度为669 W/m2时2,最大OCV为33.14 V。功率输出和短路电流(SCC)值随着太阳辐射强度单调增加。给定太阳辐射强度,功率输出和 OV 呈现抛物线形状。工作温度随 OV 先下降后上升。不过,工作温度随OV的变化并不大。带隙是工作温度的递减函数。本文可为PVC的设计和使用提供理论支持。