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Meta-theorizing framing in communication research (1992–2022): toward academic silos or professionalized specialization?
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqad043
Dror Walter 1 , Yotam Ophir 2

Framing, a prominent communication theory, is often lamented as a fractured paradigm, leading some to offer radical changes to its conceptualization, operationalization, and application. Using a meta-theoretical and computational approach, we analyze three decades of framing research to examine academic silos, specializations, the canon’s formation, gender inequalities, authors’ origins, countries studied, and methods used in framing research. Instead of silos, our analysis of 5,291 papers and over 170,000 citations identified specializations formed around a core of canonic texts. While framing research has become more diverse over the years, males affiliated with U.S. institutions still predominately author canonical works. Results reject the isolated-silos hypothesis in favor of a view of framing as a bridging networked paradigm, coalescing around core assumptions, definitions, and approaches. These findings contrast with the common fractured-paradigm narrative and challenge calls for radical solutions.



框架是一种重要的传播理论,常常被认为是一种支离破碎的范式,导致一些人对其概念化、操作化和应用进行了根本性的改变。我们使用元理论和计算方法,分析了三十年来的框架研究,以考察学术孤岛、专业化、经典的形成、性别不平等、作者的起源、研究的国家以及框架研究中使用的方法。我们对 5,291 篇论文和超过 170,000 次引用的分析确定了围绕规范文本核心形成的专业化,而不是孤岛。尽管多年来框架研究变得更加多样化,但美国机构的男性作者仍然主要是经典作品的作者。结果拒绝了孤立的孤岛假设,支持将框架视为桥接网络范式的观点,围绕核心假设、定义和方法进行合并。这些发现与常见的断裂范式叙述形成鲜明对比,并呼吁采取激进的解决方案。