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Fulfilling the process promise in new venture creation research: The ethnography/accelerator approach
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1494
Guillaume Dumont 1

Collecting fine-grained, longitudinal data to study new venture creation (NVC) is critical but empirically challenging given the partly invisible, collective, and highly discursive nature of NVC. This article offers the ethnography/accelerator approach as one powerful solution to this problem. This approach theorizes the implications raised by the invisible, collective, and highly discursive nature of NVC as challenges of accessibility, multivocality, and reflexivity. It provides a framework articulating these challenges with key ethnographic insights to advance data collection and theory building, before discussing five implications of this approach for NVC research and providing recommendations and points of caution.



收集细粒度的纵向数据来研究新创企业 (NVC) 至关重要,但考虑到 NVC 的部分隐形、集体和高度话语性质,在实证上具有挑战性。本文提供了民族志/加速器方法作为解决此问题的一种强有力的解决方案。这种方法将非暴力沟通的无形、集体和高度话语性质所带来的影响理论化为可访问性、多声性和反身性的挑战。它提供了一个框架,通过关键的人种学见解阐明这些挑战,以推进数据收集和理论构建,然后讨论这种方法对非暴力沟通研究的五个影响并提供建议和注意事项。