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The micro-foundations of ambidexterity for corporate social performance: A study on sustainability managers’ response to conflicting goals
Long Range Planning ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102412
Maria Carmela Annosi , Elisa Mattarelli , Domenico Dentoni , Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli

Studies on corporate social performance advocate that interrelated yet conflicting goals, such as sustainability and profitability, give rise to specific dynamics and inherent tensions, and call for more research to investigate how the duality of goals is managed by specific individuals in organizations. Through a micro-foundational view of ambidexterity for corporate social performance, and by relying on a qualitative data analysis of 41 interviews with sustainability managers and their immediate stakeholders, both internal and external to their organization boundaries, we developed a multilevel model of sustainability managers' responses to conflicting goals. We discovered how sustainability managers enacted internal and external, long term and short term brokering behaviors, enabled by their individual values, multidisciplinary knowledge, and relational abilities and skills, although constrained by their organizational and institutional contexts. By taking into account simultaneously contextual forces and individual cognitive characteristics, we thus advance our understanding of sustainability managers’ behaviors towards ambidexterity for corporate social responsibility and of microfoundations for ambidexterity.



关于企业社会绩效的研究主张,相互关联但相互冲突的目标,例如可持续性和盈利能力,会产生特定的动力和内在的张力,并呼吁进行更多的研究来调查组织中的特定个人如何管理目标的双重性。通过对企业社会绩效双元性的微观基础观点,并依靠对可持续发展经理及其组织边界内部和外部的直接利益相关者进行的 41 次访谈的定性数据分析,我们开发了可持续发展经理的多层次模型对相互冲突的目标的反应。我们发现可持续发展经理如何通过个人价值观、多学科知识以及关系能力和技能来制定内部和外部、长期和短期的经纪行为,尽管受到组织和机构环境的限制。通过同时考虑情境力量和个人认知特征,我们从而加深了对可持续发展管理者对企业社会责任双元性行为和双元性微观基础的理解。
