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Development of deoxidation process for off-grade titanium sponge using magnesium metal with wire mesh strainer type of crucible
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-50765-2
Sung-Hun Park 1 , Hyeong-Jun Jeoung 2 , Tae-Hyuk Lee 3 , Ho-Sang Sohn 4 , Jungshin Kang 1, 5

In this study, the deoxidation process for off-grade titanium (Ti) sponge using magnesium (Mg) metal with a wire mesh strainer type of crucible was developed. Ti hydride (TiH2) feedstock, which was prepared by hydrogenating off-grade Ti sponge, was deoxidized using Mg in a molten magnesium chloride–potassium chloride salt at 933 K under an argon and 20% hydrogen (H2) mixed gas atmosphere. After deoxidation, the residual Mg-containing salt was separated in situ from the crucible to investigate the feasibility of minimizing salt loss during the leaching and production of pure TiH2. The results showed that the presence of residual Mg-containing salt inside the crucible strongly influenced whether a mixture of Ti and TiH2 or pure TiH2 was produced. When the salt was not sufficiently separated, a mixture of Ti and TiH2 was obtained and its oxygen (O) concentration was 0.121 mass% under certain conditions. Meanwhile, pure TiH2 was obtained by increasing the H2 gas flow rate during deoxidation. Therefore, these results demonstrate that the decrease of O concentration to below 0.180 mass% and the minimal loss of the salt are feasible.



在这项研究中,开发了使用镁(Mg)金属和丝网过滤器型坩埚对不合格海绵钛(Ti)进行脱氧的工艺。通过氢化劣质海绵钛制备的氢化钛(TiH 2 )原料,在氩气和20%氢气(H 2 )混合气体气氛下,在933 K熔融氯化镁-氯化钾盐中使用镁进行脱氧。脱氧后,将残留的含镁盐从坩埚中原位分离,以研究在浸出和生产纯TiH 2过程中最大限度地减少盐损失的可行性。结果表明,坩埚内部残留的含镁盐的存在强烈影响是否产生Ti和TiH 2的混合物或纯TiH 2 。当盐未充分分离时,得到Ti和TiH 2的混合物,并且在一定条件下其氧(O)浓度为0.121质量%。同时,通过增加脱氧过程中的H 2气体流量,得到纯TiH 2 。因此,这些结果表明,将 O 浓度降低至 0.180 质量%以下并且将盐的损失降至最低是可行的。
