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Assessment of microplastic abundance and impact on recreational beaches along the western Algerian coastline
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.116007
Mohammed El Amine Bentaallah 1 , Djilali Baghdadi 1 , Sedat Gündoğdu 2 , Ahmed Megharbi 1 , Nasr-Eddine Taibi 3 , Ferhat Büyükdeveci 4

Microplastics (MPs) have attracted global attention due to their ubiquity and potential impact on the environment. However, MPs are poorly documented along the Algerian coast. To address this data gap, this study investigated the presence of MPs on three recreational beaches in western Algeria (Stidia, Sablettes and Mersat El Hadjaj). The mean MP abundance for the three beaches was estimated at 55.47 ± 48.01 items/m. Characterization of MPs shape revealed that fragments (79.81 %) were dominant, followed by pellets (10.58 %), filaments (5.57 %), and foam (3.85 %). An assessment of the Microplastic Pollution Index, the Pellet Pollution Index, and the Coefficient of Microplastic Impact, revealed the presence of very low to moderate levels of MPs on the beaches. This presence was associated with minimal beach pollution and moderate overall impact. The sector analysis approach results confirm that there are two different magnitudes of MPs presence that can negatively impact on the environmental quality of the studied beaches.



微塑料(MP)因其普遍存在和对环境的潜在影响而引起了全球的关注。然而,阿尔及利亚沿海地区的议员记录很少。为了解决这一数据差距,本研究调查了阿尔及利亚西部三个休闲海滩(Stidia、Sablettes 和 Mersat El Hadjaj)上议员的存在情况。三个海滩的平均 MP 丰度估计为 55.47 ± 48.01 项/平方米。 MP 形状的表征表明,碎片 (79.81%) 占主导地位,其次是颗粒 (10.58%)、细丝 (5.57%) 和泡沫 (3.85%)。对微塑料污染指数、颗粒污染指数和微塑料影响系数的评估显示,海滩上存在极低至中等水平的 MP。这种存在与最小的海滩污染和中等的总体影响有关。部门分析方法的结果证实,存在两种不同程度的议员,可能对所研究海滩的环境质量产生负面影响。