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Orchards closer to forest patches produced fewer malformed fruits and more commercial fruits: The importance of legitimate floral visitors
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108872
Fernando Severiano-Galeana , Víctor Rosas-Guerrero , Lorena Alemán-Figueroa , Rodrigo Lucas-García , R. Carlos Almazán-Núñez , José Gabriel Kuk-Dzul

Mexico is the main mango exporter worldwide, making ‘Ataulfo’ one of the most preferred cultivars. However, fruit production has been drastically diminished due to the high incidence of malformed fruits, known as nubbins. One of the possible causes of this is the lack of pollinators, which are necessary to set developed fruits. Since many pollinators depend on forest patches, the proximity of mango orchards to these is expected to decrease the incidence of nubbins. However, no study has evaluated the effect of distance from forest patches on the production of malformed fruits in any mango cultivar. The present study evaluates the incidence of nubbins and the production of commercial fruits, as well as the richness, composition, and frequency of visits of legitimate floral visitors (i.e., those that contact both reproductive parts of the flowers) over two consecutive years on ‘Ataulfo’ mango orchards located at different distances from tropical dry forest patches. Our results indicate that mango orchards located closer to forest patches were visited more frequently and by more species of legitimate floral visitors, showed less incidence of nubbins, and had greater production of commercial fruits than those located further away from the forest patches. Moreover, we found that older mango trees and the absence of exotic honeybees are also key factors to increasing fruit production. Our results highlight the importance of the conservation of tropical dry forest patches to ensure the provision of pollination services and to maintain or increase the production of mango orchards.



墨西哥是全球主要的芒果出口国,这使得“Ataulfo”成为最受欢迎的品种之一。然而,由于畸形水果(称为小瘤)的高发,水果产量急剧下降。造成这种情况的可能原因之一是缺乏授粉媒介,而授粉媒介是开花结果所必需的。由于许多传粉媒介依赖于森林斑块,因此芒果园靠近这些区域预计会减少小瘤的发生率。然而,没有研究评估距森林斑块的距离对任何芒果品种畸形果实产量的影响。本研究评估了小珠的发生率和商业水果的生产,以及连续两年的合法花卉访客(即接触花朵两个生殖部分的访客)的丰富度、组成和访问频率。 Ataulfo 芒果园距热带干燥森林斑块的距离不同。我们的结果表明,与距离森林斑块较远的芒果园相比,靠近森林斑块的芒果园访问频率更高,合法花卉访客的种类也更多,小瘤的发生率较低,并且商业水果的产量更高。此外,我们发现较老的芒果树和外来蜜蜂的缺乏也是增加水果产量的关键因素。我们的结果强调了保护热带干燥森林斑块的重要性,以确保提供授粉服务并维持或增加芒果园的产量。
