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Structural and functional basis of VLDLR usage by Eastern equine encephalitis virus
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.031
Lucas J Adams 1 , Saravanan Raju 1 , Hongming Ma 2 , Theron Gilliland 3 , Douglas S Reed 3 , William B Klimstra 3 , Daved H Fremont 4 , Michael S Diamond 5

The very-low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) comprises eight LDLR type A (LA) domains and supports entry of distantly related alphaviruses, including Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV). Here, by resolving multiple cryo-electron microscopy structures of EEEV-VLDLR complexes and performing mutagenesis and functional studies, we show that EEEV uses multiple sites (E1/E2 cleft and E2 A domain) to engage more than one LA domain simultaneously. However, no single LA domain is necessary or sufficient to support efficient EEEV infection. Whereas all EEEV strains show conservation of two VLDLR-binding sites, the EEEV PE-6 strain and a few other EEE complex members feature a single amino acid substitution that enables binding of LA domains to an additional site on the E2 B domain. These structural and functional analyses informed the design of a minimal VLDLR decoy receptor that neutralizes EEEV infection and protects mice from lethal challenge.


东方马脑炎病毒使用 VLDLR 的结构和功能基础

极低密度脂蛋白受体 (VLDLR) 包括 8 个 LDLR A 型 (LA) 结构域,并支持远亲甲病毒的进入,包括东方马脑炎病毒 (EEEV) 和森利基森林病毒 (SFV)。在这里,通过解析 EEEV-VLDLR 复合物的多个冷冻电子显微镜结构并进行诱变和功能研究,我们表明 EEEV 使用多个位点(E1/E2 裂隙和 E2 A 结构域)同时参与多个 LA 结构域。然而,没有一个 LA 结构域是必要或足以支持有效的 EEEV 感染的。虽然所有 EEEV 菌株都显示出两个 VLDLR 结合位点的保守性,但 EEEV PE-6 菌株和一些其他 EEE 复合物成员具有单个氨基酸取代,使 LA 结构域能够结合到 E2 B 结构域上的另一个位点。这些结构和功能分析为设计最小 VLDLR 诱饵受体提供了信息,该受体可中和 EEEV 感染并保护小鼠免受致命攻击。