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Portable robotised machines tools (RoboMach), for in-situ inspection and (re)manufacture: Research challenges and opportunities
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture ( IF 14.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2024.104115
D. Axinte

Machine tool have traditionally been developed for the manufacture of new parts and to be operated in workshop environments. With a remit of addressing clearly defined tasks, the concepts/configurations of these are nowadays, somehow, standard. This perspective intends to flag up to the community the relatively unexplored topic of portable Robotised Machine (RoboMach) tools that address the need for in-situ maintenance and repair of industrial installations. By the immense variety of tasks that RoboMach are designed to fulfil, there is an open ground for exploring, at the confluence with other complementary research disciplines, novel machine tool configurations that could open fresh academic challenges.



传统上,机床是为制造新零件并在车间环境中运行而开发的。由于致力于解决明确定义的任务,这些概念/配置如今在某种程度上已成为标准。这一观点旨在向社区提出相对未探索的便携式机器人机器 (RoboMach) 工具的主题,这些工具可满足工业装置现场维护和维修的需求。RoboMach 旨在完成各种各样的任务,与其他互补研究学科相融合,为探索新颖的机床配置提供了一个开放的基础,这些配置可以带来新的学术挑战。
