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Employee work engagement in the digital transformation of enterprises: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-023-02418-y
Di Ye , Bin Xu , Bingling Wei , Linlin Zheng , Yenchun Jim Wu

Information technology has brought about significant changes in enterprises, and new work situations have led to new problems. Employee resistance to new technologies, their ability to learn, and their ability to utilize personal resources to improve work engagement in the face of technological pressure are important factors that companies need to consider when undergoing digital transformation. The influence mechanism of configuration effects on factors around employee work engagement has not been explored, and technostress creators have rarely been included in the configuration as influencing factors in previous studies. On the basis of the job demands-resources (JD-R) model and trait activation theory, this study explored the factors that affect employees’ work engagement at the level of job demands and personal resources. The fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method was used to investigate the influence of technical stressors, self-efficacy, and the Big Five personality traits on employees’ work engagement. Through a survey of 225 employees in the context of enterprise digital transformation, the results show three driving paths that promote employees’ work engagement: openness to experience conscientiousness, self-efficacy driven, and inhibition to technical stressors. The study also analyzed employees’ low work engagement state, which is driven by an inhibition of agreeableness and extraversion. This research enriches the study of factors influencing work engagement in the digital transformation of enterprises.



信息技术给企业带来了重大变革,新的工作形势引发了新的问题。员工对新技术的抵制、学习能力以及面对技术压力时利用个人资源提高工作投入的能力,是企业在进行数字化转型时需要考虑的重要因素。配置效应对员工工作投入因素的影响机制尚未被探讨,技术压力创造者在以往的研究中很少被纳入配置中作为影响因素。本研究基于工作需求-资源(JD-R)模型和特质激活理论,从工作需求和个人资源层面探讨影响员工工作投入的因素。采用模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)方法研究技术压力源、自我效能感和大五人格特质对员工工作投入的影响。通过对企业数字化转型背景下的 225 名员工进行调查,结果显示了促进员工工作投入的三种驱动路径:体验责任心的开放性、自我效能驱动以及对技术压力源的抑制。该研究还分析了员工的低工作投入状态,这是由宜人性和外向性的抑制造成的。本研究丰富了企业数字化转型中工作投入影响因素的研究。
