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Global taxonomic and functional patterns in invertebrate assemblages from rocky-intertidal mussel beds
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-50549-8
Nicole M Cameron 1 , Ricardo A Scrosati 1 , Nelson Valdivia 2 , Zechariah D Meunier 3

Mussels form extensive beds in rocky intertidal habitats on temperate seashores worldwide. They are foundation species because their beds host many invertebrates. Mussels and their associated species differ taxonomically among biogeographic regions, but all mussel beds exhibit similar structural and functional properties. Therefore, we investigated if rocky-intertidal mussel beds from around the globe host associated communities that are functionally similar despite their underlying taxonomic differences. We gathered datasets on the abundance of invertebrates found in rocky-intertidal mussel beds from the eastern and western boundaries of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans from both hemispheres and, then, we compared their taxonomic and functional properties. Taxonomic composition differed markedly among coasts when analyzed at the taxonomic resolution reported by the surveys (often species). However, taxonomic groups with similar ecologies (28 groups including barnacles, decapods, gastropods, polychaetes, etc.) were more universally present in mussel beds. Concomitantly, functional categories of trophic level, body type, and mobility were almost always present on all studied coasts. These taxonomic groups and trait categories, however, showed regional patterns based on their relative abundances. Overall, the ability of mussel beds to host a core community type based on taxonomic groups and functional traits emphasizes their importance for biodiversity and community functioning, making them critical organisms to preserve.



