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Nanoscale solely amorphous layer in silicon wafers induced by a newly developed diamond wheel.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-13 , DOI: 10.1038/srep35269
Zhenyu Zhang , Liangchao Guo , Junfeng Cui , Bo Wang , Renke Kang , Dongming Guo

Nanoscale solely amorphous layer is achieved in silicon (Si) wafers, using a developed diamond wheel with ceria, which is confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). This is different from previous reports of ultraprecision grinding, nanoindentation and nanoscratch, in which an amorphous layer at the top, followed by a crystalline damaged layer beneath. The thicknesses of amorphous layer are 43 and 48 nm at infeed rates of 8 and 15 μm/min, respectively, which is verified using HRTEM. Diamond-cubic Si-I phase is verified in Si wafers using selected area electron diffraction patterns, indicating the absence of high pressure phases. Ceria plays an important role in the diamond wheel for achieving ultrasmooth and bright surfaces using ultraprecision grinding.



使用开发的带有二氧化铈的金刚石砂轮,可以在硅(Si)晶圆中获得纳米级的唯一非晶层,这已通过高分辨率透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)进行了证实。这与以前关于超精密研磨,纳米压痕和纳米划痕的报道不同,在超精密研磨,纳米压痕和纳米划痕中,顶部是非晶层,下面是结晶受损层。进料速度分别为8和15μm/ min时,非晶层的厚度分别为43和48 nm,这已通过HRTEM进行了验证。使用选定的区域电子衍射图样在Si晶片中验证了金刚石立方晶Si-I相,表明不存在高压相。Ceria在金刚石砂轮中起着重要作用,该金刚石砂轮可通过超精密磨削获得超光滑和明亮的表面。