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COVID-19: Family resilience in a context of vulnerability
Journal of Family Theory & Review ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12547
Marcelo R. Ceberio 1

The crisis triggered by the emergence of COVID-19, and the subsequent mandatory isolation was one of the most significant vulnerability-inducing events in the past 100 years of humanity. The different experiences of individuals regarding this event led each person to construct their own vulnerability within the global vulnerability. Families have been major protagonists in this situation. The organized families with a healthy affective relational exchange have become resilient families, capable of facing such a critical situation with effective buffering factors. Within these families, resilience guardians have played a crucial role in the protective and supportive function towards their members. This article analyzes such factors, from global vulnerability to resilient families.



COVID-19 的出现引发的危机以及随后的强制隔离是人类过去 100 年来最重大的脆弱性诱发事件之一。个人对此事件的不同经历导致每个人在全球脆弱性中构建自己的脆弱性。在这种情况下,家庭是主要的主角。具有健康的情感关系交流的有组织的家庭成为有韧性的家庭,有能力面对如此危急的情况并具有有效的缓冲因素。在这些家庭中,复原力监护人在对其成员的保护和支持方面发挥着至关重要的作用。本文分析了从全球脆弱性到有复原力的家庭等因素。