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Improving multilevel policy mixes for sustainable urban mobility transition
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2023.100808
Xu Liu , Marc Dijk , Carlo Colombo

Transitioning to sustainable urban mobility in the EU requires a complex policy mix covering various transport modalities and levels of governance. Yet, existing studies focus mainly on a single modality or governance level as unit of analysis. To fill this gap, this article combines the literatures on policy mixes and on urban mobility transition to investigate the relations between various policies influencing the transition to sustainable urban mobility across governance levels. Analysing data from 32 interviews focused on Dutch cities, two key conflicts are identified as hampering the transition to sustainable urban mobility: i) a bias of national funding towards solving bottlenecks through infrastructure development; ii) a significant influence of the national level on the local level, while the former is hardly influenced by others. The analysis suggests that these conflicts might be overcome by shifting the emphasis of national funding to mobility in a broader sense and institutionalizing multilevel cooperation.



欧盟向可持续城市交通转型需要涵盖各种交通方式和治理水平的复杂政策组合。然而,现有的研究主要集中于单一模式或治理水平作为分析单位。为了填补这一空白,本文结合了有关政策组合和城市交通转型的文献,研究了影响跨治理层面向可持续城市交通转型的各种政策之间的关系。通过分析针对荷兰城市的 32 个访谈数据,我们发现有两个主要冲突阻碍了向可持续城市交通的转型:i) 国家资金偏向于通过基础设施发展解决瓶颈;ii) 国家层面对地方层面的影响显着,而前者几乎不受其他层面的影响。分析表明,通过将国家资金的重点转向更广泛意义上的流动性并将多层次合作制度化,可以克服这些冲突。
