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Actions to strengthen the contribution of small farms and small food businesses to food security in Europe
Food Security ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12571-023-01421-0
Olga M. Moreno-Pérez , Laura Arnalte-Mur , Pedro Cerrada-Serra , Victor Martinez-Gomez , Anda Adamsone-Fiskovica , Bjørkhaug , Gianluca Brunori , Marta Czekaj , Dominic Duckett , Paola A. Hernández , Christina Noble , Teresa Pinto-Correia , Aleksandra Płonka , Paolo Prosperi , Mark Redman , Maria Rivera , Sandra Šūmane , Dionisio Ortiz-Miranda

This study stems from a participatory foresight exercise conducted in nine Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European regions, aiming to strengthen the role of small farms and small food businesses in ensuring food security. A wide range of stakeholders participated by attending workshops. They represented farmers’ organisations, food businesses, consumers’ organisations, NGOs, researchers, extension services, professional groups, and administration and public bodies. The actions proposed by participants are scanned and categorised around six broad objectives, stakeholders’ priorities and their underlying beliefs and preconceptions are discussed around the current debates of the literature, and the drivers that influence the feasibility of the proposed actions are discussed. Furthermore, the alignment of stakeholders’ -driven objectives with the European Strategies on food, agriculture, and rural areas is examined, with a focus on: (i) the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, (ii) the Rural Action Plan contained in the Long-Term Vision of Rural Areas developed by the EU Commission, and (iii) the Common Agricultural Policy in force since January 2023.



这项研究源于在地中海、波罗的海、北欧和东欧九个地区进行的一项参与性前瞻活动,旨在加强小型农场和小型食品企业在确保粮食安全方面的作用。广泛的利益相关者参加了研讨会。他们代表农民组织、食品企业、消费者组织、非政府组织、研究人员、推广服务、专业团体以及行政和公共机构。围绕六个主要目标对参与者提出的行动进行扫描和分类,围绕当前的文献辩论讨论利益相关者的优先事项及其基本信念和先入之见,并讨论影响拟议行动可行性的驱动因素。此外,还审查了利益相关者驱动的目标与欧洲粮食、农业和农村地区战略的一致性,重点关注:(i) 欧盟从农场到餐桌战略,(ii)欧盟委员会制定的农村地区长期愿景,以及 (iii) 自 2023 年 1 月起生效的共同农业政策。
