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Advances in quantum radar and quantum LiDAR
Progress in Quantum Electronics ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2023.100497
Ricardo Gallego Torromé , Shabir Barzanjeh

Quantum sensing, built upon fundamental quantum phenomena like entanglement and squeezing, is revolutionizing precision and sensitivity across diverse domains, including quantum metrology and imaging. Its impact is now stretching into radar and LiDAR applications, giving rise to the concept of quantum radar. Unlike traditional radar systems relying on classical electromagnetic, quantum radar harnesses the potential of the quantum properties of photon states like entanglement and quantum superposition to transcend established boundaries in sensitivity and accuracy. This comprehensive review embarks on an exploration of quantum radar and quantum LiDAR, guided by two primary objectives: enhancing sensitivity through quantum resources and refining accuracy in target detection and range estimation through quantum techniques. We initiate our exploration with a thorough analysis of the fundamental principles of quantum radar, which includes an evaluation of quantum illumination protocols, receiver designs, and their associated methodologies. This investigation spans across both microwave and optical domains, providing us with insights into various experimental demonstrations and the existing technological limitations. Additionally, we review the applications of quantum radar protocols for enhanced accuracy in target range determination and estimation. This section of our review involves a comprehensive analysis of quantum illumination, quantum interferometry radar, and other quantum radar protocols, providing insights into their contributions to the field. This review offers valuable insights into the current state of quantum radar, providing a deep understanding of key concepts, experiments, and the evolving landscape of this dynamic and promising field.



