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Optimization of the location and capacity of shared multimodal mobility hubs to maximize travel utility in urban areas
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2023.103934
Stavros Xanthopoulos , Marieke van der Tuin , Shadi Sharif Azadeh , Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia , Niels van Oort , Maaike Snelder

Nowadays, urban areas are exposed to various challenges such as climate change, social inequalities, and congestion. Shared mobility hubs present the opportunity to reshape our cities and mitigate the previously mentioned challenges by contributing to a more sustainable transport system. These are places where shared cars, mopeds, and e-bikes are offered to improve connectivity in urban areas. In this paper, we investigate the impact of efficiently allocating multimodal shared mobility hubs on modal split, service level, and environmental factors while assuring economic feasibility. Given a limited budget, cities would like to optimize the hubs’ locations to maximize the population’s benefits. For that purpose, we introduce a multi-stage design algorithm model that distributes the hubs and allocates fleets of shared cars, mopeds, and e-bikes to maximize travel utility for all the population traveling using traditional and/or shared modes while accounting for multimodal trips. The model is divided into several modules: computational modules that calculate the demand for the hubs; an optimization module to optimize the hubs’ capacities, availability, and relocation of shared vehicles; and finally, a genetic algorithm to find the optimal hub distribution. Our proposed model is one of the first that optimizes the location and capacity of multimodal hubs by considering multimodal trips in a large network. Additionally, it allows to assess mobility, spatial, and environmental impact of shared modes. The model is applied to the case of Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, with around 800,000 inhabitants. After running several scenarios with different budgets allocated to build the hubs, results show that having more hubs with a lower number of shared vehicles is more beneficial than having fewer hubs with higher capacity. That is because the travel time savings increase considerably when investments lead to complete coverage of the area by the hubs network. A modal split of 5% for the shared modes is expected when Amsterdam is covered by 288 hubs. From an environmental point of view, only 32% of the shared trips replace trips previously made by ICE and electric cars, leading to a limited CO2 emissions reduction of 1.27%. Hence, introducing shared modes and mobility hubs without push measures for the use of private cars appears to offer limited benefits to decrease the negative impacts of private car usage.



如今,城市地区面临气候变化、社会不平等、交通拥堵等各种挑战。共享交通枢纽为重塑我们的城市提供了机会,并通过促进更可持续的交通系统来缓解前面提到的挑战。这些地方提供共享汽车、轻便摩托车和电动自行车,以改善城市地区的连通性。在本文中,我们研究了有效分配多式联运共享移动枢纽对模式分割、服务水平和环境因素的影响,同时确保经济可行性。鉴于预算有限,城市希望优化枢纽的位置,以最大限度地提高人口的利益。为此,我们引入了一种多阶段设计算法模型,该模型可以分配枢纽并分配共享汽车、轻便摩托车和电动自行车车队,以最大限度地提高所有使用传统和/或共享模式出行的人群的出行效用,同时考虑多式联运旅行。该模型分为几个模块:计算集线器需求的计算模块;优化模块,用于优化枢纽的容量、可用性和共享车辆的重新定位;最后,使用遗传算法来找到最佳的枢纽分布。我们提出的模型是第一个通过考虑大型网络中的多式联运行程来优化多式联运枢纽的位置和容量的模型之一。此外,它还可以评估共享模式的流动性、空间和环境影响。该模型以荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹为例,该市拥有约 80 万居民。在运行分配用于建设枢纽的不同预算的多个方案后,结果表明,拥有更多共享车辆数量较少的枢纽比拥有更少容量更高容量的枢纽更有利。这是因为当投资导致枢纽网络完全覆盖该地区时,旅行时间的节省会大大增加。当阿姆斯特丹被 288 个枢纽覆盖时,预计共享模式的模式分配将达到 5%。从环境角度来看,只有32%的共享出行取代了以前的内燃机和电动汽车出行,导致二氧化碳排放量减少了1.27%。因此,引入共享模式和移动枢纽而不采取推动私家车使用的措施似乎对减少私家车使用的负面影响带来的好处有限。
