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Occurrence and pattern of legacy and emerging per- and Poly-FluoroAlkyl substances (PFAS) in eggs of loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta from western Mediterranean
Environmental Pollution ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123257
Simone Moretti 1 , Gianfranco Brambilla 2 , Fulvio Maffucci 3 , Carolina Barola 1 , Elisabetta Bucaletti 1 , Sandra Hochscheid 3 , Silvia Canzanella 4 , Roberta Galarini 1 , Mauro Esposito 3

Per-and Poly-FluoroAlkyl Substances (PFAS) are a class of persistent, toxic, and mobile and chemicals both from industrial sources and from the use and disposal of Consumers products containing PFAS, whose concentration in marine food webs could pose a toxicological risk for biota and humans. In 2021, unhatched eggs were sampled from 41 loggerhead turtle nests from the Italian shores of the Campania Region (Southern Italy). Whole eggs were analysed for the presence of 66 legacy and emerging PFAS with Liquid Chromatography coupled to Hybrid High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. A median Σ Per- and Poly-FluoroAlkyl Substances value of 3.34 ng/g egg fresh weight was found; perfluoroctane sulfonate (PFOS) represented the most contributing congener (47%), followed by perfluoro-n-undecanoic acid, perfluoro-n-tridecanoic acid, perfluoro-n-decanoic acid, perfluoro-n-decanoic acid, and perfluoro-n-tetradecanoic acid, respectively. Such compounds showed a log-norm distribution, suggesting found concentrations could represent the baseline levels in the considered sampling area. Emerging ChloroPolyFluoroPolyEthers Carboxylic Acids (ClPFECAs) were found in 20 out of 41 samples in the range 0.01–1.59 ng/g. Four samples had 20–100 fold higher concentration compared to that of other samples, suggesting the presence of hot spot areas possibly related to presence of fluoropolymer-based marine litter turtles may ingest. The analysis of two paired eggs/liver samples recovered from stranded animals revealed PFAS concentration in the same order of magnitude, supporting the role of vitellogenin in their selective transfer to yolk. Significant (P = 0.0155) Kendall negative correlation coefficient of −0.2705 among PFOS content in eggs and the recorded hatching success prompts for further investigation on associated exposure assessment and related eco-toxicity risk. This work reports for the first time PFAS presence in georeferenced loggerhead turtle eggs of the Mediterranean Sea and results represent a starting point to study PFAS time-trends in this vulnerable species.


地中海西部红海龟卵中残留和新出现的全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质 (PFAS) 的存在和模式

全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质 (PFAS) 是一类持久性、有毒和可移动的化学品,既来自工业来源,也来自含有 PFAS 的消费品的使用和处置,其在海洋食物网中的浓度可能会对人类造成毒理学风险。生物群和人类。 2021 年,我们从坎帕尼亚地区(意大利南部)意大利海岸的 41 个红海龟巢中采集了未孵化的蛋样本。采用液相色谱与混合高分辨率质谱联用分析了全蛋中 66 种传统和新出现的 PFAS 的存在情况。发现全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质的 Σ 中值为 3.34 纳克/克鸡蛋鲜重;全氟辛烷磺酸 (PFOS) 是贡献最大的同源物 (47%),其次是全氟正十一烷酸、全氟正十三烷酸、全氟正癸酸、全氟正癸酸和全氟正癸酸。分别为十四烷酸。这些化合物显示出对数正态分布,表明发现的浓度可以代表所考虑采样区域的基线水平。在 41 个样品中的 20 个中发现了新出现的氯聚氟聚醚羧酸 (ClPFECA),含量范围为 0.01–1.59 ng/g。与其他样品相比,四个样品的浓度高出 20-100 倍,这表明热点区域的存在可能与海龟可能摄入的含氟聚合物海洋垃圾有关。对从搁浅动物中回收的两对鸡蛋/肝脏样本进行的分析显示,PFAS 浓度处于同一数量级,这支持了卵黄蛋白原在其选择性转移到蛋黄中的作用。显着 (P = 0.0155) Kendall 负相关系数为 -0。第2705章 鸡蛋中的PFOS含量和记录的孵化成功率提示需要进一步调查相关的暴露评估和相关的生态毒性风险。这项工作首次报告了地中海地理参考红海龟蛋中存在 PFAS,其结果代表了研究这一脆弱物种中 PFAS 时间趋势的起点。