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A review of public health guidelines for postpartum physical activity and sedentary behavior from around the world
Journal of Sport and Health Science ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jshs.2023.12.004
Kelly R Evenson 1 , Wendy J Brown 2 , Alison K Brinson 3 , Emily Budzynski-Seymour 4 , Melanie Hayman 5

The period following pregnancy is a critical time window when future habits with respect to physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) are established; therefore, it warrants guidance. The purpose of this scoping review was to summarize public health-oriented country-specific postpartum PA and SB guidelines worldwide. To identify guidelines published since 2010, we performed a (a) systematic search of 4 databases (CINAHL, Global Health, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus), (b) structured repeatable web-based search separately for 194 countries, and (c) separate web-based search. Only the most recent guideline was included for each country. We identified 22 countries with public health-oriented postpartum guidelines for PA and 11 countries with SB guidelines. The continents with guidelines included Europe ( = 12), Asia ( = 5), Oceania ( = 2), Africa ( = 1), North America ( = 1), and South America ( = 1). The most common benefits recorded for PA included weight control/management ( = 10), reducing the risk of postpartum depression or depressive symptoms ( = 9), and improving mood/well-being ( = 8). Postpartum guidelines specified exercises to engage in, including pelvic floor exercises ( = 17); muscle strengthening, weight training, or resistance exercises ( = 13); aerobics/general aerobic activity ( = 13); walking ( = 11); cycling ( = 9); and swimming ( = 9). Eleven guidelines remarked on the interaction between PA and breastfeeding; several guidelines stated that PA did not impact breast milk quantity ( = 7), breast milk quality ( = 6), or infant growth ( = 3). For SB, suggestions included limiting long-term sitting and interrupting sitting with PA. Country-specific postpartum guidelines for PA and SB can help promote healthy behaviors using a culturally appropriate context while providing specific guidance to public health practitioners.



怀孕后的时期是建立未来体力活动(PA)和久坐行为(SB)习惯的关键时间窗口;因此,它值得指导。本次范围审查的目的是总结全球以公共卫生为导向的特定国家产后 PA 和 SB 指南。为了确定自 2010 年以来发布的指南,我们对 4 个数据库(CINAHL、Global Health、PubMed 和 SPORTDiscus)进行了系统检索,(b) 针对 194 个国家/地区分别进行了结构化可重复的基于网络的检索,以及 (c) 单独的网络基于搜索。仅包含每个国家/地区的最新指南。我们确定了 22 个国家制定了以公共卫生为导向的 PA 产后指南,11 个国家制定了 SB 指南。有指导方针的大陆包括欧洲 ( = 12)、亚洲 ( = 5)、大洋洲 ( = 2)、非洲 ( = 1)、北美洲 ( = 1) 和南美洲 ( = 1)。 PA 最常见的益处包括体重控制/管理 (= 10)、降低产后抑郁或抑郁症状的风险 (= 9) 以及改善情绪/幸福感 (= 8)。产后指南指定要进行的锻炼,包括骨盆底锻炼 (= 17);肌肉强化、重量训练或阻力练习 (= 13);有氧运动/一般有氧活动 (= 13);步行(= 11);骑自行车(= 9);和游泳(= 9)。十一项指南评论了 PA 与母乳喂养之间的相互作用;一些指南指出,PA 不会影响母乳数量 (= 7)、母乳质量 (= 6) 或婴儿生长 (= 3)。对于 SB,建议包括限制长时间久坐并使用 PA 中断久坐。 针对特定国家/地区的 PA 和 SB 产后指南可以帮助利用文化上适当的背景促进健康行为,同时为公共卫生从业者提供具体指导。