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Career transitions across the lifespan: A review and research agenda
Journal of Vocational Behavior ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103957
Jos Akkermans , Serge P. da Motta Veiga , Andreas Hirschi , Julian Marciniak

Career transitions are becoming increasingly prevalent across the lifespan, and research on the topic has proliferated in recent years. However, the literature is fragmented across disciplines and has primarily focused on specific one-off transitions (e.g., school-to-work, unemployment-to-work, work-to-work, work-to-retirement). To reconcile these different perspectives, we conducted a review of processual career transition research, analyzing 93 quantitative longitudinal studies in this area. We problematize and synthesize the existing literature focusing on four main challenges: (1) an overemphasis on normative and predictable transitions, (2) a fragmented use of theories, (3) a lack of focus on behavioral antecedents and outcomes, and (4) a lack of attention to boundary conditions. Building on these literature critiques, we formulate a future research agenda across five directions by integrating the existing studies into a self-regulation framework of career transitions. This review thereby contributes to creating a more consistent and integrative understanding of career transitions across the lifespan.



职业转变在整个生命周期中变得越来越普遍,近年来有关该主题的研究激增。然而,文献跨学科分散,主要集中在特定的一次性过渡(例如,学校到工作、失业到工作、工作到工作、工作到退休)。为了协调这些不同的观点,我们对职业转型过程研究进行了回顾,分析了该领域的 93 项定量纵向研究。我们对现有文献进行了问题分析和综合,重点关注四个主要挑战:(1)过分强调规范性和可预测的转变,(2)理论的碎片化使用,(3)缺乏对行为前因和结果的关注,以及(4)缺乏对边界条件的关注。在这些文献批评的基础上,我们通过将现有研究整合到职业转型的自我调节框架中,制定了跨越五个方向的未来研究议程。因此,本次审查有助于对整个生命周期的职业转变形成更加一致和综合的理解。
