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Quantification of the impact of innovations in industry and infrastructure for sustainable circular economy production and consumption
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge ( IF 15.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jik.2023.100456
Marinko Skare , Beata Gavurova , Martin Rigelsky

The primary aim of this study was to quantify the impact of industry and infrastructure innovations on sustainable production and consumption within the circular economy (CE) in European Union (EU) countries. From the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the relationships between indicators representing SDG 9 and SDG 12 were examined. To achieve this, data from Eurostat for the period 2010–2021 were analyzed using regression and cluster analysis. The analyses revealed significant differences among EU countries in the areas investigated. The Netherlands and Belgium were among the highest-rated countries in terms of the examined relationships. Denmark excelled in industrial and infrastructure innovations, while Romania ranked among the lowest. A year-on-year decrease since 2010 was observed for several indicators, including the circular material use rate and the public transport ratio. Developed countries such as Finland and Luxembourg experienced a recent decrease in circular material use rate. A significant relationship was identified between the circular material use rate and industry and infrastructure innovations. Countries such as Romania, Portugal, Croatia, and Cyprus were in the worst positions. The results of the study are beneficial for policymakers focused on transitioning economies to CE, as well as for experts in business environments, educational policies, and regional development. These results support the development of benchmarking indicators at national and international levels, facilitating the creation of composite models for multidimensional analysis implementation. The findings are relevant for political strategists at both regional and international levels and may provide valuable insights for analytical and research teams designing predictive models.



本研究的主要目的是量化欧盟 (EU) 国家循环经济 (CE) 内工业和基础设施创新对可持续生产和消费的影响。从可持续发展目标(SDG)的角度,考察了代表SDG 9和SDG 12的指标之间的关系。为了实现这一目标,我们使用回归和聚类分析对欧盟统计局 2010-2021 年期间的数据进行了分析。分析显示,欧盟国家在调查领域存在显着差异。就所审查的关系而言,荷兰和比利时是评分最高的国家之一。丹麦在工业和基础设施创新方面表现出色,而罗马尼亚排名垫底。循环材料使用率、公共交通比例等多项指标自2010年以来均同比下降。芬兰和卢森堡等发达国家近期循环材料使用率有所下降。循环材料使用率与工业和基础设施创新之间存在显着关系。罗马尼亚、葡萄牙、克罗地亚和塞浦路斯等国家的处境最差。该研究的结果对于致力于经济向持续经济转型的政策制定者以及商业环境、教育政策和区域发展方面的专家来说都是有益的。这些结果支持在国家和国际层面制定基准指标,促进多维分析实施的复合模型的创建。研究结果与区域和国际层面的政治战略家相关,并可能为设计预测模型的分析和研究团队提供宝贵的见解。