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Characteristics of the Quality of Deposited Parts Treatment
Materials Science ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11003-023-00739-6
V. V. Kolomiyets , R. V. Antoshchenko , V. M. Lykyanenko , R. V. Ridnyi , S. O. Kharchenko , I. A. Fabrychnikova , S. A. Bogdanovych , O. A. Svirhun

The quality characteristics of the finishing treatment of deposited materials with cutters made of hard alloy and super hard material (hexanite-R) were investigated. During finishing treatment of the deposited parts, the low roughness of the treated surface was achieved when treated with hexanite-R cutters. The roughness of the treated surface depends on feed, cutting speed, shape of the cutter tip, its wear and hardness of deposited layer. The depth of the surface hardening of the layer treated with cutters is greater than turning the weld materials of low hardness. During turning with hexanite-R cutters compressive residual stresses are formed in the surface layer, which improve the operating characteristics of parts.



研究了硬质合金和超硬材料(hexanite-R)刀具对熔敷材料进行精加工的质量特性。在对熔敷部件进行精加工时,使用 hexanite-R 刀具处理时,可实现处理表面的低粗糙度。处理过的表面的粗糙度取决于进给量、切削速度、刀尖的形状、其磨损和沉积层的硬度。用刀具处理的层的表面硬化深度大于车削低硬度的焊缝材料。在使用 hexanite-R 刀具进行车削时,表层会形成残余压应力,从而改善零件的工作特性。
