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New Versions of the Plemelj–Sochocki Formula in Clifford Analysis
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s00006-023-01310-x
Yufeng Wang , Zhongxiang Zhang

In this paper, we give some new versions of the Plemelj–Sochocki formula under weaker condition in real Clifford Analysis which are different from the result in Luo and Du (Adv Appl Clifford Algebras 27:2531-2583, 2017). By the new versions of the Plemelj–Sochocki formula, we can give a different proof of the generalized Plemelj–Sochocki formula for the symmetric difference of boundary values, which is obtained in Luo and Du (2017), the classical Plemelj–Sochocki formula can be also derived.


Clifford 分析中 Plemelj-Sochocki 公式的新版本

在本文中,我们给出了实 Clifford 分析中较弱条件下的 Plemelj-Sochocki 公式的一些新版本,这些版本与 Luo 和 Du (Adv Appl Clifford Algebras 27:2531-2583, 2017) 的结果不同。通过新版本的 Plemelj-Sochocki 公式,我们可以给出关于边界值对称差的广义 Plemelj-Sochocki 公式的不同证明,该公式在 Luo 和 Du (2017) 中得到,经典的 Plemelj-Sochocki 公式可以也可以推导出来。
