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Goodbye ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c18492
Kirk S. Schanze 1

It is with some sadness, but also a sense of accomplishment, that I write this final editorial as Editor-in-Chief of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Starting in the summer of 2008, working on the journal has been a daily part of my life and professional career. As most in the community are aware, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces grew rapidly in submissions and publications, essentially immediately after it was launched for submissions in late September 2008. This growth consumed much of my time as well as that of the journal’s editors, the editorial staff at ACS publications, and the vendors who support the journal. Over the past 5 years, the journal hit several new highs for ACS Publications, including in the total number of papers published in one journal in one year (#1 at ACS Publications). The journal has also received enormous interest from the science and engineering community, with 360,000 total citations (ranking #2 in total citations at ACS Publications) (Figure 1). Figure 1. Metrics for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009–2022. Data from Clarivate Journal Citation Reports (12/08/2023). Top: Total published items. Middle: Total citations. Bottom: Impact factor (bar graph) and IF percentile ranking in two journal categories. The success of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces can be traced to several factors. First, the journal was launched at a time when there was a significant new trend globally to focus on applied materials science research. The concept to launch the journal was developed by staff at ACS Publications, and their background research was spot on in finding a topical area to launch a new journal. Second, everyone involved in the journal worked hard and did their best to provide an author-friendly editorial service. This meant extra work for the editors and the editorial staff supporting the journal, but it led to a solid author base. Third, and not least, is the fact that ACS Publications provides outstanding author services, including fast delivery of copy-edited manuscripts, rapid web publication, and inclusion of the articles into the published journal. Many aspects of my editorial work have been immensely rewarding. First, working with the journal community has been satisfying. I have worked with and mentored many scientists and engineers who over time have become highly experienced and excellent editors. Second, working with authors to get their manuscripts published has also been very fulfilling. Finally, the aspect of the journal and editorial work that has been most rewarding, and in my view has benefitted the journal, has been the active outreach that I have been involved with over the years. This outreach began with a relatively small joint Editorial advisory board meeting that we shared with Langmuir at Tsinghua University in 2008, and moved from there to many venues, including India (in 2012, 2013, and 2017), China (many times), Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia (Figures 2, 3, and 4). Figure 2. First joint AMI/Langmuir meeting at Tsinghua University in October 2008. Left to right: Tetsuro Majima, David G. Whitten, Yanchun Han, Kirk Schanze, and Xi Zhang. Figure 3. ACS Editors at the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, India, October 2012. Photo courtesy of Anirban Mahapatra. Figure 4. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Symposium, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, April 2015. The success of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces is due to the hard work of many people. Here, I would like to especially thank my first group of coeditors including Ellen Fisher, Mary Ann Meador, E.-T. Kang, Shu Wang, Kui Yu, and T. Randy Lee. These editors worked very hard, as we were handling a great number of papers during the first 5 years. I also especially thank David G. Whitten, who first invited me to become a Senior Editor at Langmuir and then strongly supported the launch of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and finally served as an Associate Editor for the journal for some years. I also have enjoyed collaboration and friendship with the Editors of other ACS journals including Jillian Buriak, Prashant Kamat, Paul Weiss, Christopher Jones, and George Schatz (Figure 5). Figure 5. ACS on Campus event with Jillian Buriak and Prashant Kamat at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 2016. Many ACS staff members have also contributed strongly to the success of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and the AMI family journals. Especial thanks to Sarah Tegan and Susan King who strongly supported me and the journal during the early days of rapid growth. Other ACS colleagues who I have enjoyed working with include Managing Editors Penelope Lewis, Jonathan Mallet, Sai Konda, Chengmei Zhong and Publishers Ani Mahaptra and Laura Fernandez. Anne Coghill was always helpful with the technical aspects of manuscript processing in Paragon+. Staff contributing to the production side of the journal include Bryan Nolte, Charise Pettit, Kate Midnight, and Sherry Weisgarber. The editorial would not be complete without saying a few words about the ACS Applied Materials family of journals. This chapter of my editorial work began in 2017 during a phone call with ACS Staff. That call initiated a series of events that led in 2018 to the launch of three new journals, ACS Applied Energy Materials, ACS Applied Nano Materials, and ACS Applied Bio Materials. These journals were immediately successful in terms of submissions and publications, and thus, they were followed in 2019 by the launch of two more titles, ACS Applied Polymer Materials and ACS Applied Electronic Materials. Six years into this journey, all the ACS Applied Materials family of journals are successful, with excellent publication records, citation metrics, and impact factors. Given this success, last year, ACS Publications launched what likely will be the last of the family journals, ACS Applied Optical Materials and ACS Applied Engineering Materials. I cannot take much credit for the success of the AMI family journals. I have mainly served as an advisor; all the hard work has been done by the Deputy Editors, Gerald Meyer, T. Randy Lee, Jodie Lutkenhaus, Hyun-Jae Kim, Shu Wang, Jessica Schiffman, and Elena Galoppini. Of course, many ACS staff have also contributed to the success of the AMI family, but the most credit goes to Laura Fernandez, Ani Mahapatra, and Chengmei Zhong. I wish these editors and ACS staff all the best in the future as the journals continue to grow and develop their own author communities (Figure 6). Figure 6. Editors of the ACS Applied Materials family journals. Left to right: Gerald Meyer, ACS Applied Energy Materials; T. Randall Lee, ACS Applied Nano Materials; Kirk Schanze; Jodie Lutkenhaus, ACS Applied Polymer Materials; Hyun-Jae Kim, ACS Applied Electronic Materials; Shu Wang, ACS Applied Bio Materials. Finally, I must thank my family for their years (!) of patience and support as I sat for hours at the kitchen counter working on the journal. The journal’s success in no small part is due to Barbara Schanze, who has tirelessly served as the Coordinating Editor, which means that she does the lion’s share of the daily administrative work behind running the journal. Over the years Barbara has communicated by email and phone with tens of thousands of authors and reviewers with the aim to help them complete their submissions and get their papers peer reviewed and published. No issue was too small for her to take seriously and work to resolve (Figure 7). Thank you, Barbara! Figure 7. Left: Kirk Schanze, Barbara Schanze, and Derek Schanze in Shanghai, May 2017. We were visiting Shanghai to attend the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces editorial advisory board meeting and ACS on Campus event that was held at Shanghai Normal University. Right: Kirk and Barbara at the 10th anniversary celebration of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in Boston. In closing, I thank the entire community of authors, reviewers, and advisory board members of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces for their great support over the past 15 years. I am confident that the journal will continue to flourish under the new editorial team consisting of Editor-in-Chief Xing Yi Ling and Deputy Editor Peter Müller-Buschbaum. Please give your strong support to them as they strive to advance the journal to the next stage of its development. I also look forward to working with a new group of editors, authors, and reviewers at ACS Central Science, where I will begin as Deputy Editor in January 2024. I hope to see many of you there! This article has not yet been cited by other publications. Figure 1. Metrics for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009–2022. Data from Clarivate Journal Citation Reports (12/08/2023). Top: Total published items. Middle: Total citations. Bottom: Impact factor (bar graph) and IF percentile ranking in two journal categories. Figure 2. First joint AMI/Langmuir meeting at Tsinghua University in October 2008. Left to right: Tetsuro Majima, David G. Whitten, Yanchun Han, Kirk Schanze, and Xi Zhang. Figure 3. ACS Editors at the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, India, October 2012. Photo courtesy of Anirban Mahapatra. Figure 4. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Symposium, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, April 2015. Figure 5. ACS on Campus event with Jillian Buriak and Prashant Kamat at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 2016. Figure 6. Editors of the ACS Applied Materials family journals. Left to right: Gerald Meyer, ACS Applied Energy Materials; T. Randall Lee, ACS Applied Nano Materials; Kirk Schanze; Jodie Lutkenhaus, ACS Applied Polymer Materials; Hyun-Jae Kim, ACS Applied Electronic Materials; Shu Wang, ACS Applied Bio Materials. Figure 7. Left: Kirk Schanze, Barbara Schanze, and Derek Schanze in Shanghai, May 2017. We were visiting Shanghai to attend the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces editorial advisory board meeting and ACS on Campus event that was held at Shanghai Normal University. Right: Kirk and Barbara at the 10th anniversary celebration of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in Boston.