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Use of an unmanned aerial-aquatic vehicle for acoustic sensing in freshwater ecosystems
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-25 , DOI: 10.1002/rse2.373
Jenna Lawson 1, 2 , Andre Farinha 1 , Luca Romanello 1 , Oscar Pang 1 , Raphael Zufferey 1, 3 , Mirko Kovac 1, 4

Freshwater ecosystems are endangered, underfunded and understudied, making new methods such as passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) essential for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of data collection. However, many challenges are still to be addressed with PAM: difficulty in accessing research sites, the logistics of implementing large-scale studies and the invasiveness of data collection. When combined with PAM and other sensing strategies, mobile robotics are a promising solution to directly address these challenges. In this paper, we integrate water surface and underwater acoustic monitoring equipment onto a prototype unmanned aerial-aquatic vehicle (UAAV) capable of sailing and flight (SailMAV). Twelve autonomous sailing missions were run on Lake Vrana, Croatia, during which acoustic data were collected, and the ability of the UAAV to facilitate the collection of acoustic data demonstrated. Data were simultaneously collected using standard recording methods on buoys and banksides to provide a comparative approach. Acoustic indices were used to analyse the soundscape of underwater acoustic data and BirdNET (a deep artificial neural network) was used on water surface datasets to determine bird species composition. Results show higher species richness and call abundance from UAAV surveys and high site dissimilarity owing to turnover between stationary and UAAV methods. This highlights the success of the UAAV in detecting biodiversity and the complementarity of these methods in providing a broad picture of the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems. Increased bird diversity and underwater acoustic activity in protected areas demonstrate the benefits of protecting freshwater ecosystems; however, site dissimilarity driven by turnover highlights the importance of protecting the entire ecosystem. We show how, by integrating PAM and a UAAV, we can overcome some of the current challenges in freshwater biodiversity monitoring, improving accessibility, increasing spatial scale and coverage, and reducing invasiveness.



淡水生态系统濒临灭绝、资金不足且研究不足,因此被动声学监测 (PAM) 等新方法对于提高数据收集的效率和效果至关重要。然而,PAM 仍有许多挑战需要解决:访问研究地点的困难、实施大规模研究的后勤工作以及数据收集的侵入性。当与 PAM 和其他传感策略相结合时,移动机器人是直接应对这些挑战的有前途的解决方案。在本文中,我们将水面和水下声学监测设备集成到能够航行和飞行的无人机原型(UAAV)(SailMAV)上。在克罗地亚弗拉纳湖上进行了 12 次自主航行任务,期间收集了声学数据,并证明了无人机促进声学数据收集的能力。使用标准记录方法在浮标和岸边同时收集数据,以提供比较方法。使用声学指数来分析水声数据的声景,并在水面数据集上使用 BirdNET(一种深度人工神经网络)来确定鸟类的物种组成。结果显示,无人机调查的物种丰富度和叫声丰度较高,而且由于固定方法和无人机方法之间的转换,地点差异较大。这凸显了无人机在检测生物多样性方面的成功以及这些方法在提供淡水生态系统生物多样性的广泛情况方面的互补性。保护区内鸟类多样性和水声活动的增加证明了保护淡水生态系统的好处;然而,由营业额驱动的地点差异凸显了保护整个生态系统的重要性。我们展示了如何通过集成 PAM 和 UAAV,克服当前淡水生物多样性监测、改善可达性、增加空间规模和覆盖范围以及减少入侵方面的一些挑战。