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Renewable Energy Source Diffusion in Professional Sport Facilities
Journal of Sport Management ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-25 , DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2023-0081
Liz Wanless 1 , Chad Seifried 2 , Tim Kellison 3

Professional sport facility sustainability initiatives offer sport organizations an opportunity to demonstrate congruence with societal concern for the environment, an effort that also affects stadia revenue generation. Guided by diffusion of innovations theory, this study harnessed diffusion modeling and logistic regression to determine how quickly renewable energy source adoption is diffusing across 175 professional sport stadia in the United States and Canada and the factors catalyzing early renewable energy source adoption. Results revealed 86 (49%) facilities adopted at least one type of renewable energy source, with solar emerging as the predominant technology adopted (68 total adoptions). Full diffusion for renewable source adoption was predicted for 2061 (p = .0094, q = 0.1404, root mean square error = 3.25, mean absolute error = 2.51), while not all renewable energy sources were predicted to fully diffuse (wind; p = .0117, q = −0.0710, root mean square error = .853, mean absolute error = 0.675). New stadia construction during the time of adoption, facility type, and geographical social systems emerged as significant factors catalyzing adoption in the early majority.



专业体育设施的可持续发展举措为体育组织提供了一个机会来展示与社会对环境的关注的一致性,这一努力也会影响体育场馆的创收。在创新扩散理论的指导下,本研究利用扩散模型和逻辑回归来确定可再生能源的采用在美国和加拿大 175 个专业体育场馆中的扩散速度,以及促进早期可再生能源采用的因素。结果显示,86 家 (49%) 设施至少采用一种可再生能源,其中太阳能成为采用的主要技术(总共 68 家)。预计可再生能源的采用将在 2061 年全面普及(p  = .0094,q  = 0.1404,均方根误差 = 3.25,平均绝对误差 = 2.51),但并非所有可再生能源都预计将完全普及(风;p  = .0117,q  = −0.0710,均方根误差 = .853,平均绝对误差 = 0.675)。采用期间的新体育场建设、设施类型和地理社会系统成为促进早期大多数人采用的重要因素。
