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Your employees are calling: How organizations help or hinder living a calling at work
Journal of Vocational Behavior ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103958
Brittany C. Buis , Donald H. Kluemper , Hannah Weisman , Siyi Tao

When employees are living a calling at work, they tend to experience greater well-being and the organization also benefits. Despite the integral role of the organization, research has not sufficiently explored what organizational factors might help employees live a calling. Drawing on a tripartite theoretical framework of living a calling— characterized by destiny, personal significance, and social significance— and Work as a Calling Theory, we hypothesize that needs-supplies fit, empowerment, and servant leadership are positively related to living a calling. Further, we hypothesize that the benefits of living a calling extend to the organization via a negative association with deviant behaviors, a positive association with LMX relationships, and that consistency of interests (a facet of grit) is a boundary condition of the proposed relationships. Through testing our hypotheses in a multi-wave, multi-source field study of employees and supervisors in a park district, we find that needs-supplies fit and empowerment facilitate living a calling in an organization. Further, consistency of interests moderates the relationship between living a calling and deviant behaviors and LMX. Our findings indicate how employers might help employees live their callings, and, in turn, mitigate negative and attain positive outcomes.



当员工在工作中履行使命时,他们往往会体验到更大的幸福感,组织也会受益。尽管组织发挥着不可或缺的作用,但研究尚未充分探讨哪些组织因素可以帮助员工实现使命。借鉴以命运、个人意义和社会意义为特征的践行使命的三方理论框架以及“工作作为使命理论”,我们假设需求供给契合、赋权和仆人式领导力与践行使命呈正相关。此外,我们假设,践行使命的好处通过与异常行为的负面关联、与 LMX 关系的正面关联延伸到组织,并且利益的一致性(毅力的一个方面)是拟议关系的边界条件。通过对公园区的员工和主管进行多波、多源实地研究来检验我们的假设,我们发现需求与供应的匹配和授权有助于在组织中实现使命。此外,兴趣的一致性调节了使命感与异常行为和 LMX 之间的关系。我们的研究结果表明,雇主可以如何帮助员工实现自己的使命,进而减轻负面影响并取得积极成果。
