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Selective and efficient H2 evolution upon NH3BH3 hydrolysis at subzero temperatures
iScience ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108774
Qing Zhang 1 , Chen Fang 1 , Yanlan Wang 2 , Xiang Liu 1

In the winter months, the temperature in most of the Earth stays below 0°C; the average temperature in winter at the South Pole is about −60°C. Therefore, it is urgent to develop efficient catalytic systems for selective and efficient H evolution upon NHBH hydrolysis at subzero temperatures. For solving the freezing issue of water at below 0°C, herein, we have employed a facile and surfactant-free approach to synthesize M-Pt/C nanocomposites (M = Pd, Rh, Ru, Ni, Cu, or Fe), by the alloying of commercial Pt/C with Pd, Rh, Ru, Cu, Ni, or Fe for selective and efficient H evolution upon NHBH hydrolysis in saline solution at below 0°C, even at −15°C. In addition, NHBH hydrolysis over Pd-Pt/C in the saturated NaCl solution is utilized not only for safe hydrogen production but also for its hydrogenation reduction in organic chemistry, which could avoid using dangerous hydrogen cylinders.


NH3BH3 在零度以下水解时选择性且高效地析出 H2

冬季,地球大部分地区的气温保持在 0°C 以下;南极冬季平均气温约为-60°C。因此,迫切需要开发有效的催化系统,以在零下温度下 NHBH 水解时选择性且高效地析出氢气。为了解决水在0°C以下的冻结问题,我们采用了一种简便且无表面活性剂的方法来合成M-Pt/C纳米复合材料(M = Pd、Rh、Ru、Ni、Cu或Fe),通过将商业 Pt/C 与 Pd、Rh、Ru、Cu、Ni 或 Fe 合金化,在低于 0°C(甚至在 -15°C)的盐溶液中 NHBH 水解时选择性且高效地析出 H。此外,NHBH在饱和氯化钠溶液中对Pd-Pt/C的水解不仅可用于安全制氢,还可用于有机化学中的加氢还原,从而避免使用危险的氢气瓶。