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Full-length transcriptome reveals the circularly polarized light response-related molecular genetic characteristics of Oratosquilla oratoria
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D: Genomics & Proteomics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cbd.2023.101183
Fangrui Lou 1 , Zhongjie Ren 1 , Yongzheng Tang 1 , Zhiqiang Han 2

The mantis shrimp is the only animal that can recognize circularly polarized light (CPL), but its molecular genetic characteristics are unclear. Multi-tissue level full-length (FL) transcriptome sequencing of Oratosquilla oratoria, a representative widely distributed mantis shrimp, was performed in the present study. We used comparative transcriptomics to explore the critical genes of O. oratoria selected by CPL and the GNβ gene associated with CPL signal transduction was hypothesized to be positively selected. Furthermore, the FL transcriptomes of O. oratoria compound eyes under five light conditions were sequenced and used to detect alternative splicing (AS). The ASs associated with CPL recognition mainly occurred in the LWS, ARR and TRPC regions. The number of FL transcripts with AS events and annotation information also provided evidence that O. oratoria could recognize LCPL. Additionally, 51 sequences belonging to the LWS, UV and Peropsin gene families were identified based on conserved 7tm domains. The LWS, UV and Peropsin opsins have similar 3D structures with seven domains across the cell membrane and conserved KSLRTPSN, DRY, and QAKK motifs. In conclusion, these results are undoubtedly valuable for perfecting the vision theory of O. oratoria and other mantis shrimp.



螳螂是唯一能够识别圆偏振光(CPL)的动物,但其分子遗传特征尚不清楚。本研究对口虾蛄(一种广泛分布的代表性螳螂虾)进行了多组织水平全长(FL)转录组测序。我们使用比较转录组学来探索O的关键基因。推测CPL选择的oratoria和与CPL信号转相关的GNβ基因是正选择的。此外,对五种光照条件下O. oratoria复眼的 FL 转录组进行了测序,并用于检测选择性剪接 (AS)。与CPL识别相关的AS主要发生在LWSARRTRPC区域。带有 AS 事件和注释信息的 FL 转录本的数量也提供了O. oratoria可以识别 LCPL 的证据。此外,基于保守的 7tm 结构域,还鉴定了属于LWSUVPeropsin基因家族的 51 个序列。 LWS、UV 和 Peropsin 视蛋白具有相似的 3D 结构,具有跨细胞膜的七个结构域和保守的 KSLRTPSN、DRY 和 QAKK 基序。综上所述,这些结果对于完善O. oratoria和其他螳螂虾的视觉理论无疑具有重要价值。
