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Precise Synergistic Photothermal Therapy Guided by Accurate Temperature-Dependent NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-22 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202311622
Zhuqing Sun 1, 2 , Tuanwei Li 1 , Feng Wu 1 , Tingfeng Yao 1 , Hongchao Yang 1 , Xiaohu Yang 1 , Hongqiang Yin 1 , Yajuan Gao 1 , Yejun Zhang 1 , Chunyan Li 1 , Qiangbin Wang 1

Photothermal therapy (PTT) is considered a promising treatment strategy for solid tumors. However, local hyperthermia (over 45°C) during PTT can cause severe side effects in neighboring healthy tissues. PTT with accurate temperature feedback is a compelling strategy to ablate tumors and reduce side effects, but it still faces challenges. Here, a new kind of phototheranostic nanoparticle, namely 17-RF@Ag2Se is developed, enabling in vivo NIR-II fluorescence tracking, PTT and fluorescence nanothermometry as well as synergistic heat-shock protein (HSP) inhibition. Precise PTT with high spatiotemporal resolution is achieved with the help of the designed NIR-II fluorescence imaging-photothermal therapy linkage apparatus. Upon intravenous injection, 17-RF@Ag2Se is specifically accumulated in tumors targeted by the overexpressed integrin αvβ3, which is monitored by NIR-II fluorescence imaging of Ag2Se QDs. Further, the release of HSP inhibitor, tanespimycin (17-AAG), enhances the thermosensitivity of tumor cells. Subsequently, the internal temperature of the tumor is precisely monitored and adjusted during PTT via the temperature-dependent NIR-II fluorescence feedback of Ag2Se QDs and the linkage apparatus calibration, thereby achieving efficient and safe tumor PTT. Also, the results present a new method for accurate temperature monitoring and control in vivo, which can be applied to other biomedical studies.


由精确的温度依赖性 NIR-II 荧光成像引导的精确协同光热治疗

光热疗法(PTT)被认为是一种有前途的实体瘤治疗策略。然而,PTT 期间的局部高温(超过 45°C)可能会对邻近健康组织造成严重的副作用。具有准确温度反馈的 PTT 是消融肿瘤和减少副作用的一种引人注目的策略,但它仍然面临挑战。在此,开发了一种新型光治疗纳米颗粒,即17-RF@Ag 2 Se,可实现体内NIR-II荧光追踪、PTT和荧光纳米测温以及协同热休克蛋白(HSP)抑制。借助所设计的NIR-II荧光成像-光热治疗联动装置,实现了高时空分辨率的精确PTT。静脉注射后,17-RF@Ag 2 Se 特异性地积聚在过度表达的整合素 α v β 3靶向的肿瘤中,通过 Ag 2 Se QD的 NIR-II 荧光成像进行监测。此外,HSP抑制剂tanespimycin (17-AAG)的释放增强了肿瘤细胞的热敏感性。随后,通过Ag 2 Se量子点的温度依赖性NIR-II荧光反馈和联动装置校准,在PTT过程中精确监测和调节肿瘤内部温度,从而实现高效、安全的肿瘤PTT。此外,研究结果提出了一种精确监测和控制体内温度的新方法,可应用于其他生物医学研究。