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Agricultural Economics in the JAE: Some Editorial Reflections
Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12568
David R. Harvey 1

On retirement from the post of Editor in Chief of the JAE, it is appropriate that I offer some reflections on my editorship. First, I review the general performance of the journal over the period 2005-2023, and conclude that the JAE has held its own amongst our peers though this is is largely due to our authors and reviewers, rather than the Editor. Second, I consider the subject matter and citation scores of our published papers over this period, as a reflection of the evolution of the state of the art of the Agricultural Economics profession. Here, I illustrate the increasing number and subject/method range of published papers, but raise some questions about what, exactly, citations really indicate. I conclude with some reflections on the challenges and opportunities for the profession.


JAE 中的农业经济学:一些社论反思

在从 JAE 主编一职上退休之际,我有必要对我的编辑生涯提出一些反思。首先,我回顾了该期刊在 2005 年至 2023 年期间的总体表现,并得出结论,JAE 在我们的同行中保持了自己的地位,尽管这主要归功于我们的作者和审稿人,而不是编辑。其次,我认为我们在此期间发表的论文的主题和引用分数反映了农业经济学专业最新技术的演变。在这里,我说明了已发表论文的数量和主题/方法范围不断增加,但提出了一些关于引用的真正含义的问题。最后,我对该行业面临的挑战和机遇进行了一些思考。