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A new window Clause for SQL++
The VLDB Journal ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s00778-023-00830-z
James Fang , Dmitry Lychagin , Michael J. Carey , Vassilis J. Tsotras

Window queries are important analytical tools for ordered data and have been researched both in streaming and stored data environments. By incorporating ideas for window queries from existing streaming and stored data systems, we propose a new window syntax that makes a wide range of window queries easier to write and optimize. We have implemented this new window syntax in SQL++, an SQL extension that supports querying semistructured data, on top of AsterixDB, a Big Data Management System, thus allowing us to process window queries over large datasets in a parallel and efficient manner.


SQL++ 的新窗口子句

窗口查询是有序数据的重要分析工具,并且已在流数据和存储数据环境中进行了研究。通过结合现有流和存储数据系统的窗口查询思想,我们提出了一种新的窗口语法,使各种窗口查询更容易编写和优化。我们在大数据管理系统 AsterixDB 之上,在 SQL++(一种支持查询半结构化数据的 SQL 扩展)中实现了这种新的窗口语法,从而使我们能够以并行且高效的方式处理大型数据集的窗口查询。
