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Medical practice in gamified online communities: Longitudinal effects of gamification on doctor engagement
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2023.103906
Xuejie Yang , Nannan Xi , Dongxiao Gu , Changyong Liang , Hu Liu , Hairui Tang , Juho Hamari

Gamification is used to increase the engagement of doctors on online health platforms. We track 2,106 doctors from a leading online health community (Good Doctor) over one year to investigate how gamification features (i.e., how actively doctors embellish their profiles and how they perform in popularity indicators via points and virtual gifts received) affect doctors’ future health service provision. The results showed that gamification can lead to high long-term doctor engagement. Specifically, virtual gifts and points were positively associated with doctors’ instrumental and socioemotional participation, whereas customization was positively associated with doctors’ instrumental participation.



游戏化用于增加医生在在线健康平台上的参与度。我们在一年内跟踪了来自领先在线健康社区(好医生)的 2,106 名医生,以调查游戏化功能(即医生如何积极地美化他们的个人资料以及他们如何通过积分和收到的虚拟礼物在受欢迎程度指标中表现)如何影响医生未来的健康提供服务。结果表明,游戏化可以提高医生的长期参与度。具体来说,虚拟礼物和积分与医生的工具性和社会情感参与正相关,而定制与医生的工具性参与正相关。
