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C(NH2)3Cd(C2O4)Cl(H2O)·H2O and BaCd(C2O4)1.5Cl(H2O)2: Two Oxalate Chlorides Obtained by Chemical Scissors Strategy Exhibiting Low-Dimensional Structural Networks and Balanced Overall Optical Properties
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c04154
Wei Xu 1 , Liang Ma 1 , Yi-Lei Lv 1 , Si-Yu Ma 1 , Wenlong Liu 1 , Sheng-Ping Guo 1 , Ru-Ling Tang 1

Low-dimensional crystalline materials have attracted much attention due to their special physical and chemical properties. Herein, two new oxalate chlorides, C(NH2)3Cd(C2O4)Cl(H2O)·H2O and BaCd(C2O4)1.5Cl(H2O)2, were synthesized. C(NH2)3Cd(C2O4)Cl(H2O)·H2O presents the unique {[Cd(C2O4)Cl(H2O)]} zigzag chain, while BaCd(C2O4)1.5Cl(H2O)2 shows a novel {[Cd(C2O4)1.5Cl]2–} layer. They showed large measured band gaps, which were 3.76 and 4.53 eV, respectively, and the latter was the largest band gap in the A-M-C2O4-X (A = Monovalent cationic or alkaline earth metals, X = F, Cl, Br, I) family. They exhibit a large calculated birefringence of 0.075 and 0.096 at 1064 nm, respectively. This study promotes the exploration of synthesizing low-dimensional crystalline materials with balanced overall optical performances by a chemical scissors strategy.



低维晶体材料因其特殊的物理和化学性质而备受关注。本文合成了两种新的草酸盐氯化物C(NH 2 ) 3 Cd(C 2 O 4 )Cl(H 2 O)·H 2 O和BaCd(C 2 O 4 ) 1.5 Cl(H 2 O) 2 。 C(NH 2 ) 3 Cd(C 2 O 4 )Cl(H 2 O)·H 2 O呈现独特的{[Cd(C 2 O 4 )Cl(H 2 O)] } ft锯齿链,而BaCd (C 2 O 4 ) 1.5 Cl(H 2 O) 2显示出一种新型的{[Cd(C 2 O 4 ) 1.5 Cl] 2– } 层。它们显示出较大的测量带隙,分别为 3.76 和 4.53 eV,后者是 AMC 2 O 4 -X 中最大的带隙(A = 一价阳离子或碱土金属,X = F、Cl、Br,我)家庭。它们在 1064 nm 处表现出较大的计算双折射率,分别为 0.075 和 0.096。该研究推动了通过化学剪刀策略合成具有平衡整体光学性能的低维晶体材料的探索。