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Understanding Homelessness Among Young People to Improve Outcomes
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ( IF 17.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-080921-081903
Norweeta G Milburn 1 , Eric Rice 2, 3 , Laura Petry 2

In the United States, an estimated 4.2 million young people experience homelessness during critical stages in their development—adolescence and emerging adulthood. While research on youth homelessness often emphasizes risk and vulnerability, the field must situate these issues within the developmental trajectories of adolescence and emerging adulthood to effectively prevent and end youth homelessness. This review uses the Risk Amplification and Abatement Model (RAAM) as a conceptual framework for contextualizing the landscape of youth homelessness research in the United States since 2010. An extension of ecological models of risk-taking, RAAM emphasizes both risk and resilience, positing that negative as well as positive socialization processes across interactions with family, peers, social services, and formal institutions affect key housing, health, and behavioral outcomes for youth experiencing homelessness. This review applies RAAM to our understanding of the causes and consequences of youth homelessness, recent interventions, and recommendations for future directions.



在美国,估计有 420 万年轻人在成长的关键阶段(青春期和成年初期)经历无家可归的经历。虽然对青少年无家可归的研究往往强调风险和脆弱性,但该领域必须将这些问题置于青春期和成年初期的发展轨迹中,以有效预防和结束青少年无家可归。本综述使用风险放大和消除模型 (RAAM) 作为概念框架,用于背景化自 2010 年以来美国青少年无家可归研究的情况。RAAM 是冒险生态模型的延伸,强调风险和复原力,假设与家庭、同龄人、社会服务和正规机构互动的消极和积极的社会化过程影响着无家可归青年的关键住房、健康和行为结果。这篇综述将 RAAM 应用于我们对青少年无家可归的原因和后果的理解、最近的干预措施以及对未来方向的建议。