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Amorphous Ni(OH)2-Ni3S2/NF nano-flower heterostructure catalyst promotes efficient urea assisted overall water splitting
Chemistry - An Asian Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-18 , DOI: 10.1002/asia.202300980
Lixue Zhou 1 , Daming Feng 1 , Chang Liu 1 , Ying Sun 1 , Yang Fu 2 , Tianyi Ma 2

In this study, Ni(OH)2-Ni3S2/NF, synthesized via a one-pot hydrothermal method, was grown in situ on a nickel foam substrate. Within a two-electrode electrolytic cell, simultaneous hydrogen evolution and urea oxidation reactions took place. The low initial potential for urea oxidation effectively substituted the oxygen evolution reaction, thereby promoting overall water splitting which can be further conducted in a simple setup utilizing a 1.5 V battery.



在这项研究中,通过一锅水热法合成的Ni(OH) 2 -Ni 3 S 2 /NF在泡沫镍基底上原位生长。在双电极电解池内,同时发生析氢和尿素氧化反应。尿素氧化的低初始电势有效地取代了析氧反应,从而促进了整体水分解,这可以利用 1.5 V 电池在简单的设置中进一步进行。