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Meat- and plant-based products induced similar satiation which was not affected by multimodal augmentation
Appetite ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2023.107171
Saara Vanhatalo 1 , Jenni Lappi 2 , Jussi Rantala 3 , Ahmed Farooq 3 , Antti Sand 3 , Roope Raisamo 3 , Nesli Sozer 1

Little is known about how plant-based products influence satiation compared to corresponding meat-based products. As augmented reality (AR) intensifies sensory experiences, it was hypothesized to improve satiation. This study compared satiation between intake of meatballs and plant-based balls and plant-based balls intensified with AR for visual, olfactory, and haptic sensory properties. Intake order of the meatballs, plant-based balls, and augmented plant-based balls, eaten on separate days, was randomized. Satiation was measured from twenty-eight non-obese adults as ad libitum intake of the balls and extra snacks, and as subjective appetite sensations. Liking and wanting to eat the products were also investigated.



与相应的肉类产品相比,植物性产品如何影响饱腹感知之甚少。随着增强现实 (AR) 加强感官体验,人们假设它可以提高饱腹感。这项研究比较了肉丸和植物性丸子与通过 AR 强化的植物丸子的摄入量之间的饱腹感,以了解视觉、嗅觉和触觉感觉特性。肉丸、植物性丸子和增强型植物性丸子的摄入顺序是随机的,在不同的日子食用。测量 28 名非肥胖成年人的饱腹感,作为对球和额外零食的随意摄入,以及主观食欲感觉。还调查了喜欢和想吃这些产品。