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High-entropy (La0.2Dy0.2Er0.2Yb0.2Y0.2)2Zr2O7 oxide, a potential thermal barrier coating material with photoluminescence property sensitive to pressure
Ceramics International ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.12.129
Mingrun Du , Yuhan Xiao , Xuelian Yang , Yu Ma , Yingdong Han , Zepeng Li , Tong Wei , Yunling Zou

In this work, high-entropy (LaDyErYbY)ZrO oxide (RZHEO-1600) has been synthesized by using a simple solid-state reaction method and investigated as a promising thermal barrier coating (TBC) material with potential optical pressure sensing application. Compared to oxide-yttria stabilized zirconium (YSZ) and single component zirconates, RZHEO-1600 exhibits excellent thermal stability at 1600 °C and a larger thermal expand coefficient 13.5 × 10 K due to the high entropy effect. Its thermal conductivity (1.23–1.41 W m K) and Vickers hardness (10 GPa) are lower than YSZ, while its fracture toughness (2.9 MPa m) is much larger. The photoluminescence (PL) emissions of RZHEO-1600 excited by 514 nm laser are assigned to S → I and F → I transitions of Er ions. The centre positions of emission peaks initially at 560 and 677 nm are sensitive to pressure, which red shift linearly with pressure coefficients of 0.178 nm/GPa (−5.650 cm/GPa) and 0.223 nm/GPa (−4.932 cm/GPa), respectively. Interestingly, the PL intensity ratios I/I and I/I are found to be pressure sensitive, which continuously increase during the compression. The findings of this study could serve as a new guide for the development of novel high-entropy oxide TBC materials with optical sensing applications.



在这项工作中,采用简单的固态反应方法合成了高熵(LaDyErYbY)ZrO​​氧化物(RZHEO-1600),并研究了其作为一种有前景的热障涂层(TBC)材料,具有潜在的光学压力传感应用。与氧化钇稳定锆(YSZ)和单组分锆酸盐相比,RZHEO-1600 在 1600 °C 下表现出优异的热稳定性,并且由于高熵效应而具有更大的热膨胀系数 13.5 × 10 K。其热导率(1.23~1.41 W·m·K)和维氏硬度(10 GPa)低于YSZ,而断裂韧性(2.9 MPa·m)则大得多。 RZHEO-1600 在 514 nm 激光激发下的光致发光 (PL) 发射归因于 Er 离子的 S → I 和 F → I 跃迁。最初位于 560 nm 和 677 nm 的发射峰中心位置对压力敏感,分别随压力系数 0.178 nm/GPa (-5.650 cm/GPa) 和 0.223 nm/GPa (-4.932 cm/GPa) 线性红移。有趣的是,PL 强度比 I/I 和 I/I 对压力敏感,在压缩过程中不断增加。这项研究的结果可以作为开发具有光学传感应用的新型高熵氧化物 TBC 材料的新指南。